Source code for openff.toolkit.utils.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
Utility subroutines


__all__ = [

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import contextlib
import functools
import logging

from simtk import unit

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logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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class MessageException(Exception):
    """A base class for exceptions that print out a string given in their constructor"""

    def __init__(self, msg):
        super().__init__(self, msg)
        self.msg = msg

    def __str__(self):
        return self.msg

class IncompatibleUnitError(MessageException):
    Exception for when a parameter is in the wrong units for a ParameterHandler's unit system


class MissingDependencyError(MessageException):
    Exception for when an optional dependency is needed but not installed


    def __init__(self, package_name):
        self.msg = (
            f"Missing dependency {package_name}. Try installing it "
            f"with\n\n$ conda install {package_name} -c conda-forge"


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def requires_package(package_name):
    Helper function to denote that a funciton requires some optional
    dependency. A function decorated with this decorator will raise
    `MissingDependencyError` if the package is not found by

    package_name : str
        The directory path to enter within the context



    def inner_decorator(function):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            import importlib

            except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
                raise MissingDependencyError(package_name)
            except Exception as e:
                raise e

            return function(*args, **kwargs)

        return wrapper

    return inner_decorator

[docs]def inherit_docstrings(cls): """Inherit docstrings from parent class""" from inspect import getmembers, isfunction for name, func in getmembers(cls, isfunction): if func.__doc__: continue for parent in cls.__mro__[1:]: if hasattr(parent, name): func.__doc__ = getattr(parent, name).__doc__ return cls
[docs]def all_subclasses(cls): """Recursively retrieve all subclasses of the specified class""" return cls.__subclasses__() + [ g for s in cls.__subclasses__() for g in all_subclasses(s) ]
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_cd(dir_path): """Context to temporary change the working directory. Parameters ---------- dir_path : str The directory path to enter within the context Examples -------- >>> dir_path = '/tmp' >>> with temporary_cd(dir_path): ... pass # do something in dir_path """ import os prev_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.abspath(dir_path)) try: yield finally: os.chdir(prev_dir)
[docs]def get_data_file_path(relative_path): """Get the full path to one of the reference files in testsystems. In the source distribution, these files are in ``openff/toolkit/data/``, but on installation, they're moved to somewhere in the user's python site-packages directory. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the file to load (with respect to the repex folder). """ import os from pkg_resources import resource_filename fn = resource_filename("openff.toolkit", os.path.join("data", relative_path)) if not os.path.exists(fn): raise ValueError( f"Sorry! {fn} does not exist. If you just added it, you'll have to re-install" ) return fn
[docs]def unit_to_string(input_unit): """ Serialize a simtk.unit.Unit and return it as a string. Parameters ---------- input_unit : A simtk.unit The unit to serialize Returns ------- unit_string : str The serialized unit. """ if input_unit == unit.dimensionless: return "dimensionless" # Decompose output_unit into a tuples of (base_dimension_unit, exponent) unit_string = None for unit_component in input_unit.iter_base_or_scaled_units(): unit_component_name = unit_component[0].name # Convert, for example "elementary charge" --> "elementary_charge" unit_component_name = unit_component_name.replace(" ", "_") if unit_component[1] == 1: contribution = "{}".format(unit_component_name) else: contribution = "{}**{}".format(unit_component_name, int(unit_component[1])) if unit_string is None: unit_string = contribution else: unit_string += " * {}".format(contribution) return unit_string
def quantity_to_string(input_quantity): """ Serialize a simtk.unit.Quantity to a string. Parameters ---------- input_quantity : simtk.unit.Quantity The quantity to serialize Returns ------- output_string : str The serialized quantity """ import numpy as np if input_quantity is None: return None unitless_value = input_quantity.value_in_unit(input_quantity.unit) # The string representation of a numpy array doesn't have commas and breaks the # parser, thus we convert any arrays to list here if isinstance(unitless_value, np.ndarray): unitless_value = list(unitless_value) unit_string = unit_to_string(input_quantity.unit) output_string = "{} * {}".format(unitless_value, unit_string) return output_string def _ast_eval(node): """ Performs an algebraic syntax tree evaluation of a unit. Parameters ---------- node : An ast parsing tree node """ import ast import operator as op operators = { ast.Add: op.add, ast.Sub: op.sub, ast.Mult: op.mul, ast.Div: op.truediv, ast.Pow: op.pow, ast.BitXor: op.xor, ast.USub: op.neg, } if isinstance(node, ast.Num): # <number> return node.n elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # <left> <operator> <right> return operators[type(node.op)](_ast_eval(node.left), _ast_eval(node.right)) elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): # <operator> <operand> e.g., -1 return operators[type(node.op)](_ast_eval(node.operand)) elif isinstance(node, ast.Name): # see if this is a simtk unit b = getattr(unit, return b # TODO: This was a quick hack that surprisingly worked. We should validate this further. elif isinstance(node, ast.List): return ast.literal_eval(node) else: raise TypeError(node) def string_to_unit(unit_string): """ Deserializes a simtk.unit.Quantity from a string representation, for example: "kilocalories_per_mole / angstrom ** 2" Parameters ---------- unit_string : dict Serialized representation of a simtk.unit.Quantity. Returns ------- output_unit: simtk.unit.Quantity The deserialized unit from the string """ import ast output_unit = _ast_eval(ast.parse(unit_string, mode="eval").body) return output_unit # if (serialized['unitless_value'] is None) and (serialized['unit'] is None): # return None # quantity_unit = None # for unit_name, power in serialized['unit']: # unit_name = unit_name.replace( # ' ', '_') # Convert eg. 'elementary charge' to 'elementary_charge' # if quantity_unit is None: # quantity_unit = (getattr(unit, unit_name)**power) # else: # quantity_unit *= (getattr(unit, unit_name)**power) # quantity = unit.Quantity(serialized['unitless_value'], quantity_unit) # return quantity def string_to_quantity(quantity_string): """ Takes a string representation of a quantity and returns a simtk.unit.Quantity Parameters ---------- quantity_string : str The quantity to deserialize Returns ------- output_quantity : simtk.unit.Quantity The deserialized quantity """ if quantity_string is None: return None # This can be the exact same as string_to_unit import ast output_quantity = _ast_eval(ast.parse(quantity_string, mode="eval").body) return output_quantity def convert_all_strings_to_quantity(smirnoff_data): """ Traverses a SMIRNOFF data structure, attempting to convert all quantity-defining strings into simtk.unit.Quantity objects. Integers and floats are ignored and not converted into a dimensionless ``simtk.unit.Quantity`` object. Parameters ---------- smirnoff_data : dict A hierarchical dict structured in compliance with the SMIRNOFF spec Returns ------- converted_smirnoff_data : dict A hierarchical dict structured in compliance with the SMIRNOFF spec, with quantity-defining strings converted to simtk.unit.Quantity objects """ if isinstance(smirnoff_data, dict): for key, value in smirnoff_data.items(): smirnoff_data[key] = convert_all_strings_to_quantity(value) obj_to_return = smirnoff_data elif isinstance(smirnoff_data, list): for index, item in enumerate(smirnoff_data): smirnoff_data[index] = convert_all_strings_to_quantity(item) obj_to_return = smirnoff_data elif isinstance(smirnoff_data, int) or isinstance(smirnoff_data, float): obj_to_return = smirnoff_data else: try: obj_to_return = object_to_quantity(smirnoff_data) except (AttributeError, TypeError, SyntaxError): obj_to_return = smirnoff_data return obj_to_return def convert_all_quantities_to_string(smirnoff_data): """ Traverses a SMIRNOFF data structure, attempting to convert all quantities into strings. Parameters ---------- smirnoff_data : dict A hierarchical dict structured in compliance with the SMIRNOFF spec Returns ------- converted_smirnoff_data : dict A hierarchical dict structured in compliance with the SMIRNOFF spec, with simtk.unit.Quantitys converted to string """ if isinstance(smirnoff_data, dict): for key, value in smirnoff_data.items(): smirnoff_data[key] = convert_all_quantities_to_string(value) obj_to_return = smirnoff_data elif isinstance(smirnoff_data, list): for index, item in enumerate(smirnoff_data): smirnoff_data[index] = convert_all_quantities_to_string(item) obj_to_return = smirnoff_data elif isinstance(smirnoff_data, unit.Quantity): obj_to_return = quantity_to_string(smirnoff_data) else: obj_to_return = smirnoff_data return obj_to_return @functools.singledispatch def object_to_quantity(object): """ Attempts to turn the provided object into simtk.unit.Quantity(s). Can handle float, int, strings, quantities, or iterators over the same. Raises an exception if unable to convert all inputs. Parameters ---------- object : int, float, string, quantity, or iterator of strings of quantities The object to convert to a ``simtk.unit.Quantity`` object. Returns ------- converted_object : simtk.unit.Quantity or List[simtk.unit.Quantity] """ # If we can't find a custom type, we treat this as a generic iterator. return [object_to_quantity(sub_obj) for sub_obj in object] @object_to_quantity.register(unit.Quantity) def _(obj): return obj @object_to_quantity.register(str) def _(obj): return string_to_quantity(obj) @object_to_quantity.register(int) @object_to_quantity.register(float) def _(obj): return unit.Quantity(obj) def check_units_are_compatible(object_name, object, unit_to_check, context=None): """ Checks whether a simtk.unit.Quantity or list of simtk.unit.Quantitys is compatible with given unit. Parameters ---------- object_name : string Name of object, used in printing exception. object : A simtk.unit.Quantity or list of simtk.unit.Quantitys unit_to_check : A simtk.unit.Unit context : string, optional. Default=None Additional information to provide at the beginning of the exception message if raised Raises ------ IncompatibleUnitError """ # If context is not provided, explicitly make it a blank string if context is None: context = "" # Otherwise add a space after the end of it to correct message printing else: context += " " if isinstance(object, list): for sub_object in object: check_units_are_compatible( object_name, sub_object, unit_to_check, context=context ) elif isinstance(object, unit.Quantity): if not object.unit.is_compatible(unit_to_check): msg = ( f"{context}{object_name} with " f"value {object} is incompatible with expected unit {unit_to_check}" ) raise IncompatibleUnitError(msg) else: msg = ( f"{context}{object_name} with " f"value {object} is incompatible with expected unit {unit_to_check}" ) raise IncompatibleUnitError(msg) def extract_serialized_units_from_dict(input_dict): """ Create a mapping of (potentially unit-bearing) quantities from a dictionary, where some keys exist in pairs like {'length': 8, 'length_unit':'angstrom'}. Parameters ---------- input_dict : dict Dictionary where some keys are paired like {'X': 1.0, 'X_unit': angstrom}. Returns ------- unitless_dict : dict input_dict, but with keys ending in ``_unit`` removed. attached_units : dict str : simtk.unit.Unit ``attached_units[parameter_name]`` is the simtk.unit.Unit combination that should be attached to corresponding parameter ``parameter_name``. For example ``attached_units['X'] = simtk.unit.angstrom. """ # TODO: Should this scheme also convert "1" to int(1) and "8.0" to float(8.0)? from collections import OrderedDict attached_units = OrderedDict() unitless_dict = input_dict.copy() keys_to_delete = [] for key in input_dict.keys(): if key.endswith("_unit"): parameter_name = key[:-5] parameter_units_string = input_dict[key] try: parameter_units = string_to_unit(parameter_units_string) except Exception as e: e.msg = ( "Could not parse units {}\n".format(parameter_units_string) + e.msg ) raise e attached_units[parameter_name] = parameter_units # Remember this key and delete it later (we break the dict if we delete a key in the loop) keys_to_delete.append(key) # Clean out the '*_unit' keys that we processed for key in keys_to_delete: del unitless_dict[key] return unitless_dict, attached_units def attach_units(unitless_dict, attached_units): """ Attach units to dict entries for which units are specified. Parameters ---------- unitless_dict : dict Dictionary, where some items are to have units applied. attached_units : dict [str : simtk.unit.Unit] ``attached_units[parameter_name]`` is the simtk.unit.Unit combination that should be attached to corresponding parameter ``parameter_name`` Returns ------- unit_bearing_dict : dict Updated dict with simtk.unit.Unit units attached to values for which units were specified for their keys """ temp_dict = unitless_dict.copy() for parameter_name, units_to_attach in attached_units.items(): if parameter_name in temp_dict.keys(): parameter_attrib_string = temp_dict[parameter_name] try: temp_dict[parameter_name] = ( float(parameter_attrib_string) * units_to_attach ) except ValueError as e: e.msg = ( "Expected numeric value for parameter '{}'," "instead found '{}' when trying to attach units '{}'\n" ).format(parameter_name, parameter_attrib_string, units_to_attach) raise e # Now check for matches like "phase1", "phase2" c = 1 while (parameter_name + str(c)) in temp_dict.keys(): indexed_parameter_name = parameter_name + str(c) parameter_attrib_string = temp_dict[indexed_parameter_name] try: temp_dict[indexed_parameter_name] = ( float(parameter_attrib_string) * units_to_attach ) except ValueError as e: e.msg = "Expected numeric value for parameter '{}', instead found '{}' when trying to attach units '{}'\n".format( indexed_parameter_name, parameter_attrib_string, units_to_attach ) raise e c += 1 return temp_dict def detach_units(unit_bearing_dict, output_units=None): """ Given a dict which may contain some simtk.unit.Quantity objects, return the same dict with the Quantities replaced with unitless values, and a new dict containing entries with the suffix "_unit" added, containing the units. Parameters ---------- unit_bearing_dict : dict A dictionary potentially containing simtk.unit.Quantity objects as values. output_units : dict[str : simtk.unit.Unit], optional. Default = None A mapping from parameter fields to the output unit its value should be converted to. For example, {'length_unit': unit.angstrom}. If no output_unit is defined for a key:value pair in which the value is a simtk.unit.Quantity, the output unit will be the Quantity's unit, and this information will be included in the unit_dict return value. Returns ------- unitless_dict : dict The input smirnoff_dict object, with all simtk.unit.Quantity values converted to unitless values. unit_dict : dict A dictionary in which keys are keys of simtk.unit.Quantity values in unit_bearing_dict, but suffixed with "_unit". Values are simtk.unit.Unit . """ if output_units is None: output_units = {} # initialize dictionaries for outputs unit_dict = {} unitless_dict = unit_bearing_dict.copy() for key, value in unit_bearing_dict.items(): # If no conversion is needed, skip this item if not isinstance(value, unit.Quantity): continue # If conversion is needed, see if the user has requested an output unit unit_key = key + "_unit" if unit_key in output_units: output_unit = output_units[unit_key] else: output_unit = value.unit if not (output_unit.is_compatible(value.unit)): raise ValueError( "Requested output unit {} is not compatible with " "quantity unit {} .".format(output_unit, value.unit) ) unitless_dict[key] = value.value_in_unit(output_unit) unit_dict[unit_key] = output_unit return unitless_dict, unit_dict def serialize_numpy(np_array): """ Serializes a numpy array into a JSON-compatible string. Leverages the function, thereby preserving the shape of the input array from Parameters ---------- np_array : A numpy array Input numpy array Returns ------- serialized : str A serialized representation of the numpy array. shape : tuple of ints The shape of the serialized array """ bigendian_array = np_array.newbyteorder(">") serialized = bigendian_array.tobytes() shape = np_array.shape return serialized, shape def deserialize_numpy(serialized_np, shape): """ Deserializes a numpy array from a JSON-compatible string. from Parameters ---------- serialized_np : bytes or list A byte or list serialized representation of a numpy array shape : tuple of ints The shape of the serialized array Returns ------- np_array : numpy.ndarray The deserialized numpy array """ import numpy as np if isinstance(serialized_np, list): np_array = np.array(serialized_np) if isinstance(serialized_np, bytes): dt = np.dtype("float") dt.newbyteorder(">") # set to big-endian np_array = np.frombuffer(serialized_np, dtype=dt) np_array = np_array.reshape(shape) return np_array
[docs]def convert_0_2_smirnoff_to_0_3(smirnoff_data_0_2): """ Convert an 0.2-compliant SMIRNOFF dict to an 0.3-compliant one. This involves removing units from header tags and adding them to attributes of child elements. It also requires converting ProperTorsions and ImproperTorsions potentials from "charmm" to "fourier". Parameters ---------- smirnoff_data_0_2 : dict Hierarchical dict representing a SMIRNOFF data structure according the the 0.2 spec Returns ------- smirnoff_data_0_3 Hierarchical dict representing a SMIRNOFF data structure according the the 0.3 spec """ # Legacy force fields sometimes specify the NonbondedForce's sigma_unit value, but then provide # atom size as rmin_half. Here we correct for this behavior by explicitly defining both as # the same unit if either one is defined. if "vdW" in smirnoff_data_0_2["SMIRNOFF"].keys(): rmh_unit = smirnoff_data_0_2["SMIRNOFF"]["vdW"].get("rmin_half_unit", None) sig_unit = smirnoff_data_0_2["SMIRNOFF"]["vdW"].get("sigma_unit", None) if (rmh_unit is not None) and (sig_unit is None): smirnoff_data_0_2["SMIRNOFF"]["vdW"]["sigma_unit"] = rmh_unit elif (sig_unit is not None) and (rmh_unit is None): smirnoff_data_0_2["SMIRNOFF"]["vdW"]["rmin_half_unit"] = sig_unit # If both are None, or both are defined, don't overwrite anything else: pass # Recursively attach unit strings smirnoff_data = recursive_attach_unit_strings(smirnoff_data_0_2, {}) # Change TorsionHandler potential from "charmm" to "k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))". Note that, scientifically, # we should have used "k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))" all along, since "charmm" technically # implies that we would support a harmonic potential for torsion terms with periodicity 0 # More at: if "ProperTorsions" in smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]: if "potential" in smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ProperTorsions"]: if smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ProperTorsions"]["potential"] == "charmm": smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ProperTorsions"][ "potential" ] = "k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))" if "ImproperTorsions" in smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]: if "potential" in smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ImproperTorsions"]: if smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ImproperTorsions"]["potential"] == "charmm": smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ImproperTorsions"][ "potential" ] = "k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))" # Add per-section tag sections_not_to_version_0_3 = ["Author", "Date", "version", "aromaticity_model"] for l1_tag in smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"].keys(): if l1_tag not in sections_not_to_version_0_3: if smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"][l1_tag] is None: # Handle empty entries, such as the ToolkitAM1BCC handler. smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"][l1_tag] = {} smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"][l1_tag]["version"] = 0.3 # Update top-level tag smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["version"] = 0.3 return smirnoff_data
[docs]def convert_0_1_smirnoff_to_0_2(smirnoff_data_0_1): """ Convert an 0.1-compliant SMIRNOFF dict to an 0.2-compliant one. This involves renaming several tags, adding Electrostatics and ToolkitAM1BCC tags, and separating improper torsions into their own section. Parameters ---------- smirnoff_data_0_1 : dict Hierarchical dict representing a SMIRNOFF data structure according the the 0.1 spec Returns ------- smirnoff_data_0_2 Hierarchical dict representing a SMIRNOFF data structure according the the 0.2 spec """ smirnoff_data = smirnoff_data_0_1.copy() l0_replacement_dict = {"SMIRFF": "SMIRNOFF"} l1_replacement_dict = { "HarmonicBondForce": "Bonds", "HarmonicAngleForce": "Angles", "PeriodicTorsionForce": "ProperTorsions", "NonbondedForce": "vdW", } for old_l0_tag, new_l0_tag in l0_replacement_dict.items(): # Convert first-level smirnoff_data tags. # Right now this just changes the SMIRFF tag to SMIRNOFF if old_l0_tag in smirnoff_data.keys(): smirnoff_data[new_l0_tag] = smirnoff_data[old_l0_tag] del smirnoff_data[old_l0_tag] # SMIRFF tag will have been converted to SMIRNOFF here # Convert second-level tags here for old_l1_tag, new_l1_tag in l1_replacement_dict.items(): if old_l1_tag in smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"].keys(): smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"][new_l1_tag] = smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"][ old_l1_tag ] del smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"][old_l1_tag] # Add 'potential' field to each l1 tag default_potential = { "Bonds": "harmonic", "Angles": "harmonic", "ProperTorsions": "charmm", # Note that "charmm" isn't actually correct, and was later changed # in the 0.3 spec. More info at # "vdW": "Lennard-Jones-12-6", } for l1_tag in smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"].keys(): if l1_tag in default_potential.keys(): # Ensure that it isn't there already (shouldn't happen, but better to be safe) if "potential" in smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"][l1_tag].keys(): assert smirnoff_data[l1_tag].keys == default_potential[l1_tag] continue # Issue an informative warning about assumptions made during conversion. logger.warning( f"0.1 SMIRNOFF spec file does not contain 'potential' attribute for '{l1_tag}' tag. " f"The SMIRNOFF spec converter is assuming it has a value of '{default_potential[l1_tag]}'" ) smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"][l1_tag]["potential"] = default_potential[l1_tag] # Separate improper torsions from propers if "ProperTorsions" in smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]: if "Improper" in smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ProperTorsions"]: # First generate an ImproperTorsions header, taking the relevant values from the ProperTorsions header improper_section = { "k_unit": smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ProperTorsions"]["k_unit"], "phase_unit": smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ProperTorsions"]["phase_unit"], "potential": smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ProperTorsions"]["potential"], "Improper": smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ProperTorsions"]["Improper"], } # Then, attach the newly-made ImproperTorsions section smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ImproperTorsions"] = improper_section del smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ProperTorsions"]["Improper"] # Add Electrostatics tag, setting several values to their defaults and # warning about assumptions that are being made electrostatics_section = { "method": "PME", "scale12": 0.0, "scale13": 0.0, "scale15": 1.0, "cutoff": 9.0, "cutoff_unit": "angstrom", } logger.warning( "0.1 SMIRNOFF spec did not allow the 'Electrostatics' tag. Adding it in 0.2 spec conversion, and " "assuming the following values:" ) for key, val in electrostatics_section.items(): logger.warning(f"\t{key}: {val}") # Take electrostatics 1-4 scaling term from 0.1 spec's NonBondedForce tag electrostatics_section["scale14"] = smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["vdW"][ "coulomb14scale" ] del smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["vdW"]["coulomb14scale"] smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["Electrostatics"] = electrostatics_section # Change vdW's lj14scale to 14scale, add other scaling terms vdw_section_additions = { "method": "cutoff", "combining_rules": "Lorentz-Berthelot", "scale12": "0.0", "scale13": "0.0", "scale15": "1", "switch_width": "1.0", "switch_width_unit": "angstrom", "cutoff": "9.0", "cutoff_unit": "angstrom", } for key, val in vdw_section_additions.items(): if not key in smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["vdW"].keys(): logger.warning( f"0.1 SMIRNOFF spec file does not contain '{key}' attribute for 'NonBondedMethod/vdW'' tag. " f"The SMIRNOFF spec converter is assuming it has a value of '{val}'" ) smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["vdW"][key] = val # Rename L-J 1-4 scaling term from 0.1 spec's NonBondedForce tag to vdW's scale14 smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["vdW"]["scale14"] = smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["vdW"][ "lj14scale" ] del smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["vdW"]["lj14scale"] # Add <ToolkitAM1BCC/> tag smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["ToolkitAM1BCC"] = {} # Update top-level tag smirnoff_data["SMIRNOFF"]["version"] = 0.2 return smirnoff_data
def recursive_attach_unit_strings(smirnoff_data, units_to_attach): """ Recursively traverse a SMIRNOFF data structure, appending "* {unit}" to values in key:value pairs where "key_unit":"unit_string" is present at a higher level in the hierarchy. This function expects all items in smirnoff_data to be formatted as strings. Parameters ---------- smirnoff_data : dict Any level of hierarchy that is part of a SMIRNOFF dict, with all data members formatted as string. units_to_attach : dict Dict of the form {key:unit_string} Returns ------- unit_appended_smirnoff_data: dict """ import re # Make a copy of units_to_attach so we don't modify the original (otherwise things like k_unit could # leak between sections) units_to_attach = units_to_attach.copy() # smirnoff_data = smirnoff_data.copy() # If we're working with a dict, see if there are any new unit entries and store them, # then operate recursively on the values in the dict. if isinstance(smirnoff_data, dict): # Go over all key:value pairs once to see if there are new units to attach. # Note that units to be attached can be defined in the same dict as the # key:value pair they will be attached to, so we need to complete this check # before we are able to check other items in the dict. for key, value in list(smirnoff_data.items()): if key[-5:] == "_unit": units_to_attach[key[:-5]] = value del smirnoff_data[key] # Go through once more to attach units as appropriate for key in smirnoff_data.keys(): # We use regular expressions to catch possible indexed attributes attach_unit = None for unit_key, unit_string in units_to_attach.items(): if re.match(f"{unit_key}[0-9]*", key): attach_unit = unit_string if attach_unit is not None: smirnoff_data[key] = str(smirnoff_data[key]) + " * " + attach_unit # And recursively act on value, in case it's a deeper level of hierarchy smirnoff_data[key] = recursive_attach_unit_strings( smirnoff_data[key], units_to_attach ) # If it's a list, operate on each member of the list elif isinstance(smirnoff_data, list): for index, value in enumerate(smirnoff_data): smirnoff_data[index] = recursive_attach_unit_strings(value, units_to_attach) # Otherwise, just return smirnoff_data unchanged else: pass return smirnoff_data
[docs]def get_molecule_parameterIDs(molecules, forcefield): """Process a list of molecules with a specified SMIRNOFF ffxml file and determine which parameters are used by which molecules, returning collated results. Parameters ---------- molecules : list of openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule List of molecules (with explicit hydrogens) to parse forcefield : openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff.ForceField The ForceField to apply Returns ------- parameters_by_molecule : dict Parameter IDs used in each molecule, keyed by isomeric SMILES generated from provided OEMols. Each entry in the dict is a list which does not necessarily have unique entries; i.e. parameter IDs which are used more than once will occur multiple times. parameters_by_ID : dict Molecules in which each parameter ID occur, keyed by parameter ID. Each entry in the dict is a set of isomeric SMILES for molecules in which that parameter occurs. No frequency information is stored. """ from openff.toolkit.topology import Topology # Create storage parameters_by_molecule = dict() parameters_by_ID = dict() # Generate isomeric SMILES for each molecule, ensuring all molecules are unique isosmiles = [molecule.to_smiles() for molecule in molecules] already_seen = set() duplicates = set( smiles for smiles in isosmiles if smiles in already_seen or already_seen.add(smiles) ) if len(duplicates) > 0: raise ValueError( "Error: get_molecule_parameterIDs has been provided a list of oemols which contains some duplicates: {}".format( duplicates ) ) # Assemble molecules into a Topology topology = Topology() for molecule in molecules: topology.add_molecule(molecule) # Label molecules labels = forcefield.label_molecules(topology) # Organize labels into output dictionary by looping over all molecules/smiles for idx in range(len(isosmiles)): # Pull smiles, initialize storage smi = isosmiles[idx] parameters_by_molecule[smi] = [] # Organize data for this molecule data = labels[idx] for force_type in data.keys(): for atom_indices, parameter_type in data[force_type].items(): pid = # Store pid to molecule parameters_by_molecule[smi].append(pid) # Store which molecule this pid occurred in if pid not in parameters_by_ID: parameters_by_ID[pid] = set() parameters_by_ID[pid].add(smi) else: parameters_by_ID[pid].add(smi) return parameters_by_molecule, parameters_by_ID
def sort_smirnoff_dict(data): """ Recursively sort the keys in a dict of SMIRNOFF data. Adapted from TODO: Should this live elsewhere? """ sorted_dict = dict() for key, val in sorted(data.items()): if isinstance(val, dict): # This should hit each ParameterHandler and dicts within them sorted_dict[key] = sort_smirnoff_dict(val) elif isinstance(val, list): # Handle case of ParameterLists, which show up in # the smirnoff dicts as lists of OrderedDicts new_parameter_list = list() for param in val: new_parameter_list.append(sort_smirnoff_dict(param)) sorted_dict[key] = new_parameter_list else: # Handle metadata or the bottom of a recursive dict sorted_dict[key] = val return sorted_dict