.. _developing: Developing for the toolkit ************************** Style guide """"""""""" Development for the ``openforcefield`` toolkit conforms to the recommendations given by the `Software Development Best Practices for Computational Chemistry `_ guide. The naming conventions of classes, functions, and variables follows `PEP8 `_, consistently with the best practices guide. The naming conventions used in this library not covered by PEP8 are: - Use ``file_path``, ``file_name``, and ``file_stem`` to indicate ``path/to/stem.extension``, ``stem.extension``, and ``stem`` respectively, consistently with the variables in the standard ``pathlib`` library. - Use ``n_x`` to abbreviate "number of X` (e.g. `n_atoms`, `n_molecules`). Contributing """""""""""" We always welcome `GitHub pull requests `_. For bug fixes, major feature additions, or refactoring, please raise an issue on the `GitHub issue tracker `_ first to ensure the design will be amenable to current developer plans. How can I become a developer? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" If you would like to contribute, please post an issue on the `GitHub issue tracker `_ describing the contribution you would like to make to start a discussion.