Molecular topology representations

This module provides pure-Python classes for representing molecules and molecular systems. These classes offer several advantages over corresponding Topology objects in OpenMM and MDTraj, including offering serialization to a variety of standard formats (including XML, JSON, YAML, BSON, TOML, and MessagePack).

Primary objects

FrozenMolecule Immutable chemical representation of a molecule, such as a small molecule or biopolymer.
Molecule Mutable chemical representation of a molecule, such as a small molecule or biopolymer.
Topology A Topology is a chemical representation of a system containing one or more molecules appearing in a specified order.

Secondary objects

Particle Base class for all particles in a molecule.
Atom A particle representing a chemical atom.
Bond Chemical bond representation.
VirtualSite A particle representing a virtual site whose position is defined in terms of Atom positions.