
class openforcefield.typing.engines.smirnoff.parameters.ParameterHandler(permit_cosmetic_attributes=False, **kwargs)[source]

Base class for parameter handlers.

Parameter handlers are configured with some global parameters for a given section. They may also contain a ParameterList populated with ParameterType objects if they are responsile for assigning SMIRKS-based parameters.


This API is experimental and subject to change.


List of kwargs that can be parsed by the function.


The ParameterList that holds this ParameterHandler’s parameter objects


add_parameter(parameter_kwargs) Add a parameter to the forcefield, ensuring all parameters are valid.
assign_parameters(topology, system) Assign parameters for the given Topology to the specified System object.
check_handler_compatibility(handler_kwargs) Checks if a set of kwargs used to create a ParameterHandler are compatible with this ParameterHandler.
check_parameter_compatibility(parameter_kwargs) Check to make sure that the fields requiring defined units are compatible with the required units for the Parameters handled by this ParameterHandler
find_matches(entity) Find the elements of the topology/molecule matched by a parameter type.
get_parameter(parameter_attrs) Return the parameters in this ParameterHandler that match the parameter_attrs argument
postprocess_system(topology, system, **kwargs) Allow the force to perform a a final post-processing pass on the System following parameter assignment, if needed.
to_dict([output_units, …]) Convert this ParameterHandler to an OrderedDict, compliant with the SMIRNOFF data spec.
__init__(permit_cosmetic_attributes=False, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize a ParameterHandler, optionally with a list of parameters and other kwargs.

permit_cosmetic_attributes : bool

Whether to accept non-spec kwargs

**kwargs : dict

The dict representation of the SMIRNOFF data source


__init__([permit_cosmetic_attributes]) Initialize a ParameterHandler, optionally with a list of parameters and other kwargs.
add_parameter(parameter_kwargs) Add a parameter to the forcefield, ensuring all parameters are valid.
assign_parameters(topology, system) Assign parameters for the given Topology to the specified System object.
check_handler_compatibility(handler_kwargs) Checks if a set of kwargs used to create a ParameterHandler are compatible with this ParameterHandler.
check_parameter_compatibility(parameter_kwargs) Check to make sure that the fields requiring defined units are compatible with the required units for the Parameters handled by this ParameterHandler
find_matches(entity) Find the elements of the topology/molecule matched by a parameter type.
get_parameter(parameter_attrs) Return the parameters in this ParameterHandler that match the parameter_attrs argument
postprocess_system(topology, system, **kwargs) Allow the force to perform a a final post-processing pass on the System following parameter assignment, if needed.
to_dict([output_units, …]) Convert this ParameterHandler to an OrderedDict, compliant with the SMIRNOFF data spec.


known_kwargs List of kwargs that can be parsed by the function.
parameters The ParameterList that holds this ParameterHandler’s parameter objects

The ParameterList that holds this ParameterHandler’s parameter objects


List of kwargs that can be parsed by the function.


Check to make sure that the fields requiring defined units are compatible with the required units for the Parameters handled by this ParameterHandler

parameter_kwargs: dict

The dict that will be used to construct the ParameterType

Raises a ValueError if the parameters are incompatible.

Checks if a set of kwargs used to create a ParameterHandler are compatible with this ParameterHandler. This is called if a second handler is attempted to be initialized for the same tag.

handler_kwargs : dict

The kwargs that would be used to construct

IncompatibleParameterError if handler_kwargs are incompatible with existing parameters.

Add a parameter to the forcefield, ensuring all parameters are valid.

parameter_kwargs : dict

The kwargs to pass to the ParameterHandler.INFOTYPE (a ParameterType) constructor


Return the parameters in this ParameterHandler that match the parameter_attrs argument

parameter_attrs : dict of {attr: value}

The attrs mapped to desired values (for example {“smirks”: “[:1]~[#16:2]=,:[#6:3]~[:4]”, “id”: “t105”} )

list of ParameterType-derived objects

A list of matching ParameterType-derived objects


Find the elements of the topology/molecule matched by a parameter type.

entity : openforcefield.topology.Topology or openforcefield.topology.Molecule

Topology or molecule to search.

matches : ValenceDict[Tuple[int], ParameterType]

matches[particle_indices] is the ParameterType object matching the tuple of particle indices in entity.

assign_parameters(topology, system)[source]

Assign parameters for the given Topology to the specified System object.

topology : openforcefield.topology.Topology

The Topology for which parameters are to be assigned. Either a new Force will be created or parameters will be appended to an existing Force.

system : simtk.openmm.System

The OpenMM System object to add the Force (or append new parameters) to.

postprocess_system(topology, system, **kwargs)[source]

Allow the force to perform a a final post-processing pass on the System following parameter assignment, if needed.

topology : openforcefield.topology.Topology

The Topology for which parameters are to be assigned. Either a new Force will be created or parameters will be appended to an existing Force.

system : simtk.openmm.System

The OpenMM System object to add the Force (or append new parameters) to.

to_dict(output_units=None, return_cosmetic_attributes=False)[source]

Convert this ParameterHandler to an OrderedDict, compliant with the SMIRNOFF data spec.

output_units : dict[str

A mapping from the ParameterType attribute name to the output unit its value should be converted to.

return_cosmetic_attributes : bool, optional. Default = False.

Whether to return non-spec parameter and header attributes in this ParameterHandler.

smirnoff_data : OrderedDict

SMIRNOFF-spec compliant representation of this ParameterHandler and its internal ParameterList.