
class openforcefield.typing.chemistry.ChemicalEnvironment(smirks=None, label=None, replacements=None, toolkit='openeye')[source]

Chemical environment abstract base class that matches an atom, bond, angle, etc.


This class is largely redundant with the same one in the Chemper package, and will likely be removed.


Atom([ORtypes, ANDtypes, index, ring]) Atom representation, which may have some ORtypes and ANDtypes properties.
Bond([ORtypes, ANDtypes]) Bond representation, which may have ORtype and ANDtype descriptors.
addAtom(bondToAtom[, bondORtypes, …]) Add an atom to the specified target atom.
asSMIRKS([smarts]) Returns a SMIRKS representation of the chemical environment
getAlphaAtoms() Returns a list of atoms alpha to any indexed atom
getAlphaBonds() Returns a list of Bond objects that connect
getBetaAtoms() Returns a list of atoms beta to any indexed atom
getBetaBonds() Returns a list of Bond objects that connect
getBond(atom1, atom2) Get bond betwen two atoms
getBondOrder(atom) Returns minimum bond order around a given atom 0 if atom has no neighbors aromatic bonds count as 1.5 any bond counts as 1.0
getComponentList(component_type[, descriptor]) Returns a list of atoms or bonds matching the descriptor
getIndexedAtoms() returns the list of Atom objects with an index
getIndexedBonds() Returns a list of Bond objects that connect two indexed atoms
getNeighbors(atom) Returns atoms that are bound to the given atom in the form of a list of Atom objects
getType() Uses number of indexed atoms and bond connectivity to determine the type of chemical environment
getUnindexedAtoms() returns a list of Atom objects that are not indexed
getUnindexedBonds() Returns a list of Bond objects that connect
getValence(atom) Returns the valence (number of neighboring atoms) around the given atom
isAlpha(component) Takes an atom or bond are returns True if it is alpha to an indexed atom
isBeta(component) Takes an atom or bond are returns True if it is beta to an indexed atom
isIndexed(component) returns True if the atom or bond is indexed
isUnindexed(component) returns True if the atom or bond is not indexed
isValid([smirks]) Returns if the environment is valid, that is if it creates a parseable SMIRKS string.
removeAtom(atom[, onlyEmpty]) Remove the specified atom from the chemical environment.
selectAtom([descriptor]) Select a random atom fitting the descriptor.
selectBond([descriptor]) Select a random bond fitting the descriptor.
validate(smirks[, ensure_valence_type, toolkit]) Validate the provided SMIRKS string is valid, and if requested, tags atoms appropriate to the specified valence type.
__init__(smirks=None, label=None, replacements=None, toolkit='openeye')[source]

Initialize a chemical environment abstract base class.

smirks = string, optional
if smirks is not None, a chemical environment is built from the provided SMIRKS string
label = anything, optional
intended to be used to label this chemical environment could be a string, int, or float, or anything
replacements = list of lists, optional,
[substitution, smarts] form for parsing SMIRKS


__init__([smirks, label, replacements, toolkit]) Initialize a chemical environment abstract base class.
addAtom(bondToAtom[, bondORtypes, …]) Add an atom to the specified target atom.
asSMIRKS([smarts]) Returns a SMIRKS representation of the chemical environment
getAlphaAtoms() Returns a list of atoms alpha to any indexed atom
getAlphaBonds() Returns a list of Bond objects that connect
getBetaAtoms() Returns a list of atoms beta to any indexed atom
getBetaBonds() Returns a list of Bond objects that connect
getBond(atom1, atom2) Get bond betwen two atoms
getBondOrder(atom) Returns minimum bond order around a given atom 0 if atom has no neighbors aromatic bonds count as 1.5 any bond counts as 1.0
getComponentList(component_type[, descriptor]) Returns a list of atoms or bonds matching the descriptor
getIndexedAtoms() returns the list of Atom objects with an index
getIndexedBonds() Returns a list of Bond objects that connect two indexed atoms
getNeighbors(atom) Returns atoms that are bound to the given atom in the form of a list of Atom objects
getType() Uses number of indexed atoms and bond connectivity to determine the type of chemical environment
getUnindexedAtoms() returns a list of Atom objects that are not indexed
getUnindexedBonds() Returns a list of Bond objects that connect
getValence(atom) Returns the valence (number of neighboring atoms) around the given atom
isAlpha(component) Takes an atom or bond are returns True if it is alpha to an indexed atom
isBeta(component) Takes an atom or bond are returns True if it is beta to an indexed atom
isIndexed(component) returns True if the atom or bond is indexed
isUnindexed(component) returns True if the atom or bond is not indexed
isValid([smirks]) Returns if the environment is valid, that is if it creates a parseable SMIRKS string.
removeAtom(atom[, onlyEmpty]) Remove the specified atom from the chemical environment.
selectAtom([descriptor]) Select a random atom fitting the descriptor.
selectBond([descriptor]) Select a random bond fitting the descriptor.
validate(smirks[, ensure_valence_type, toolkit]) Validate the provided SMIRKS string is valid, and if requested, tags atoms appropriate to the specified valence type.
class Atom(ORtypes=None, ANDtypes=None, index=None, ring=None)[source]

Atom representation, which may have some ORtypes and ANDtypes properties.

ORtypes : list of tuples in the form (base, [list of decorators])

where bases and decorators are both strings The descriptor types that will be combined with logical OR

ANDtypes : list of string

The descriptor types that will be combined with logical AND


addANDtype(ANDtype) Adds ANDtype to the set for this atom.
addORtype(ORbase, ORdecorators) Adds ORtype to the set for this atom.
asSMARTS() Return the atom representation as SMARTS.
asSMIRKS() Return the atom representation as SMIRKS.
getANDtypes() returns a copy of the list of ANDtypes for this atom
getORtypes() returns a copy of the dictionary of ORtypes for this atom
setANDtypes(newANDtypes) sets new ANDtypes for this atom
setORtypes(newORtypes) sets new ORtypes for this atom

Return the atom representation as SMARTS.

smarts : str
The SMARTS string for this atom

Return the atom representation as SMIRKS.

smirks : str
The SMIRKS string for this atom
addORtype(ORbase, ORdecorators)[source]

Adds ORtype to the set for this atom.

ORbase: string, such as ‘#6’
ORdecorators: list of strings, such as [‘X4’,’+0’]

Adds ANDtype to the set for this atom.

ANDtype: string

added to the list of ANDtypes for this atom


returns a copy of the dictionary of ORtypes for this atom


sets new ORtypes for this atom

newORtypes: list of tuples in the form (base, [ORdecorators])

for example: (‘#6’, [‘X4’,’H0’,’+0’]) –> ‘#6X4H0+0’


returns a copy of the list of ANDtypes for this atom


sets new ANDtypes for this atom

newANDtypes: list of strings

strings that will be AND’d together in a SMARTS

class Bond(ORtypes=None, ANDtypes=None)[source]

Bond representation, which may have ORtype and ANDtype descriptors.

ORtypes : list of tuples of ORbases and ORdecorators

in form (base: [list of decorators]) The ORtype types that will be combined with logical OR

ANDtypes : list of string

The ANDtypes that will be combined with logical AND


addANDtype(ANDtype) Adds ANDtype to the set for this atom.
addORtype(ORbase, ORdecorators) Adds ORtype to the set for this atom.
asSMARTS() Return the atom representation as SMARTS.
getANDtypes() returns a copy of the list of ANDtypes for this atom
getORtypes() returns a copy of the dictionary of ORtypes for this atom
getOrder() Returns a float for the order of this bond for multiple ORtypes or ~ it returns the minimum possible order the intended application is for checking valence around a given atom
setANDtypes(newANDtypes) sets new ANDtypes for this atom
setORtypes(newORtypes) sets new ORtypes for this atom

Return the atom representation as SMARTS.

smarts : str

The SMARTS string for just this atom

smarts : str

The SMIRKS string for just this bond


Returns a float for the order of this bond for multiple ORtypes or ~ it returns the minimum possible order the intended application is for checking valence around a given atom


Adds ANDtype to the set for this atom.

ANDtype: string

added to the list of ANDtypes for this atom

addORtype(ORbase, ORdecorators)

Adds ORtype to the set for this atom.

ORbase: string, such as ‘#6’
ORdecorators: list of strings, such as [‘X4’,’+0’]

returns a copy of the list of ANDtypes for this atom


returns a copy of the dictionary of ORtypes for this atom


sets new ANDtypes for this atom

newANDtypes: list of strings

strings that will be AND’d together in a SMARTS


sets new ORtypes for this atom

newORtypes: list of tuples in the form (base, [ORdecorators])

for example: (‘#6’, [‘X4’,’H0’,’+0’]) –> ‘#6X4H0+0’

static validate(smirks, ensure_valence_type=None, toolkit='openeye')[source]

Validate the provided SMIRKS string is valid, and if requested, tags atoms appropriate to the specified valence type.

smirks : str

The SMIRKS expression to validate

ensure_valence_type : str, optional, default=None

If specified, ensure the tagged atoms are appropriate to the specified valence type

This method will raise a :class:`SMIRKSParsingError` if the provided SMIRKS string is not valid.

Returns if the environment is valid, that is if it creates a parseable SMIRKS string.


Returns a SMIRKS representation of the chemical environment

smarts: optional, boolean

if True, returns a SMARTS instead of SMIRKS without index labels


Select a random atom fitting the descriptor.

descriptor: optional, None

None - returns any atom with equal probability int - will return an atom with that index ‘Indexed’ - returns a random indexed atom ‘Unindexed’ - returns a random unindexed atom ‘Alpha’ - returns a random alpha atom ‘Beta’ - returns a random beta atom

a single Atom object fitting the description
or None if no such atom exists
getComponentList(component_type, descriptor=None)[source]

Returns a list of atoms or bonds matching the descriptor

component_type: string: ‘atom’ or ‘bond’
descriptor: string, optional

‘all’, ‘Indexed’, ‘Unindexed’, ‘Alpha’, ‘Beta’


Select a random bond fitting the descriptor.

descriptor: optional, None

None - returns any bond with equal probability int - will return an bond with that index ‘Indexed’ - returns a random indexed bond ‘Unindexed’ - returns a random unindexed bond ‘Alpha’ - returns a random alpha bond ‘Beta’ - returns a random beta bond

a single Bond object fitting the description
or None if no such atom exists
addAtom(bondToAtom, bondORtypes=None, bondANDtypes=None, newORtypes=None, newANDtypes=None, newAtomIndex=None, newAtomRing=None, beyondBeta=False)[source]

Add an atom to the specified target atom.

bondToAtom: atom object, required

atom the new atom will be bound to

bondORtypes: list of tuples, optional

strings that will be used for the ORtypes for the new bond

bondANDtypes: list of strings, optional

strings that will be used for the ANDtypes for the new bond

newORtypes: list of strings, optional

strings that will be used for the ORtypes for the new atom

newANDtypes: list of strings, optional

strings that will be used for the ANDtypes for the new atom

newAtomIndex: int, optional

integer label that could be used to index the atom in a SMIRKS string

beyondBeta: boolean, optional

if True, allows bonding beyond beta position

newAtom: atom object for the newly created atom
removeAtom(atom, onlyEmpty=False)[source]

Remove the specified atom from the chemical environment. if the atom is not indexed for the SMIRKS string or used to connect two other atoms.

atom: atom object, required

atom to be removed if it meets the conditions.

onlyEmpty: boolean, optional

True only an atom with no ANDtypes and 1 ORtype can be removed

Boolean True: atom was removed, False: atom was not removed
list of atoms in the environment
atom: Atom object, optional, returns bonds connected to atom
returns all bonds in fragment if atom is None
a complete list of bonds in the fragment
getBond(atom1, atom2)[source]

Get bond betwen two atoms

atom1 and atom2: atom objects
bond object between the atoms or None if no bond there

returns the list of Atom objects with an index


returns a list of Atom objects that are not indexed

Returns a list of atoms alpha to any indexed atom
that are not also indexed
Returns a list of atoms beta to any indexed atom
that are not alpha or indexed atoms

Returns a list of Bond objects that connect two indexed atoms

Returns a list of Bond objects that connect
an indexed atom to an unindexed atom two unindexed atoms
Returns a list of Bond objects that connect
an indexed atom to alpha atoms
Returns a list of Bond objects that connect
alpha atoms to beta atoms

Takes an atom or bond are returns True if it is alpha to an indexed atom


returns True if the atom or bond is not indexed


returns True if the atom or bond is indexed


Takes an atom or bond are returns True if it is beta to an indexed atom


Uses number of indexed atoms and bond connectivity to determine the type of chemical environment

chemical environemnt type:

‘Atom’, ‘Bond’, ‘Angle’, ‘ProperTorsion’, ‘ImproperTorsion’ None if number of indexed atoms is 0 or > 4


Returns atoms that are bound to the given atom in the form of a list of Atom objects


Returns the valence (number of neighboring atoms) around the given atom


Returns minimum bond order around a given atom 0 if atom has no neighbors aromatic bonds count as 1.5 any bond counts as 1.0