Source code for openff.toolkit.utils.openeye_wrapper

Wrapper class providing a minimal consistent interface to
the `OpenEye Toolkit <>`_

__all__ = ("OpenEyeToolkitWrapper",)

import importlib
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import tempfile
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

    from openmm import unit
except ImportError:
    from simtk import unit

    from openff.toolkit.topology.molecule import Molecule

from openff.toolkit.utils import base_wrapper
from openff.toolkit.utils.constants import DEFAULT_AROMATICITY_MODEL
from openff.toolkit.utils.exceptions import (
from openff.toolkit.utils.utils import inherit_docstrings

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logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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def get_oeformat(file_format):
    from openeye import oechem

    file_format = file_format.upper()
    # XXX This is what RDKit does. Should be supported here too?
    if file_format == "MOL":
        file_format = "SDF"

    oeformat = getattr(oechem, "OEFormat_" + file_format, None)
    if oeformat is None:
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported file format: {file_format}")
    return oeformat

[docs]@inherit_docstrings class OpenEyeToolkitWrapper(base_wrapper.ToolkitWrapper): """ OpenEye toolkit wrapper .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _toolkit_name = "OpenEye Toolkit" _toolkit_installation_instructions = ( "The OpenEye toolkit requires a (free for academics) license, and can be " "found at: " "" ) # This could belong to ToolkitWrapper, although it seems strange # to carry that data for open-source toolkits _is_licensed = None # Only for OpenEye is there potentially a difference between # being available and installed _is_installed = None _license_functions = { "oechem": "OEChemIsLicensed", "oequacpac": "OEQuacPacIsLicensed", "oeiupac": "OEIUPACIsLicensed", "oeomega": "OEOmegaIsLicensed", }
[docs] def __init__(self): self._toolkit_file_read_formats = [ "CAN", "CDX", "CSV", "FASTA", "INCHI", "INCHIKEY", "ISM", "MDL", "MF", "MMOD", "MOL2", "MOL2H", "MOPAC", "OEB", "PDB", "RDF", "SDF", "SKC", "SLN", "SMI", "USM", "XYC", ] self._toolkit_file_write_formats = [ "CAN", "CDX", "CSV", "FASTA", "INCHI", "INCHIKEY", "ISM", "MDL", "MF", "MMOD", "MOL2", "MOL2H", "MOPAC", "OEB", "PDB", "RDF", "SDF", "SKC", "SLN", "SMI", "USM", "XYC", ] # check if the toolkit can be loaded if not self.is_available(): msg = ( f"The required toolkit {self._toolkit_name} is not " f"available. {self._toolkit_installation_instructions}" ) if self._is_installed is False: raise ToolkitUnavailableException(msg) if self._is_licensed is False: raise LicenseError(msg) from openeye import __version__ as openeye_version self._toolkit_version = openeye_version
@classmethod def _check_licenses(cls): """Check license of all known OpenEye tools. Returns True if any are found to be licensed, False if any are not.""" for (tool, license_func) in cls._license_functions.items(): try: module = importlib.import_module("openeye." + tool) except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): continue else: if getattr(module, license_func)(): return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def is_available(cls): """ Check if the given OpenEye toolkit components are available. If the OpenEye toolkit is not installed or no license is found for at least one the required toolkits , ``False`` is returned. Returns ------- all_installed : bool ``True`` if all required OpenEye tools are installed and licensed, ``False`` otherwise """ if cls._is_available is None: if cls._is_licensed is None: cls._is_licensed = cls._check_licenses() if cls._is_installed is None: for tool in cls._license_functions.keys(): cls._is_installed = True try: importlib.import_module("openeye." + tool) except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): cls._is_installed = False cls._is_available = cls._is_installed and cls._is_licensed return cls._is_available
[docs] def from_object(self, obj, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None): """ Convert an OEMol (or OEMol-derived object) into an openff.toolkit.topology.molecule Parameters ---------- obj : A molecule-like object An object to by type-checked. allow_undefined_stereo : bool, default=False Whether to accept molecules with undefined stereocenters. If False, an exception will be raised if a molecule with undefined stereochemistry is passed into this function. _cls : class Molecule constructor Returns ------- Molecule An openff.toolkit.topology.molecule Molecule. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the object could not be converted into a Molecule. """ # TODO: Add tests for the from_object functions from openeye import oechem if _cls is None: from openff.toolkit.topology.molecule import Molecule _cls = Molecule if isinstance(obj, oechem.OEMolBase): return self.from_openeye( oemol=obj, allow_undefined_stereo=allow_undefined_stereo, _cls=_cls ) raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot create Molecule from {} object".format(type(obj)) )
[docs] def from_file( self, file_path, file_format, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None ): """ Return an openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule from a file using this toolkit. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The file to read the molecule from file_format : str Format specifier, usually file suffix (eg. 'MOL2', 'SMI') Note that not all toolkits support all formats. Check ToolkitWrapper.toolkit_file_read_formats for details. allow_undefined_stereo : bool, default=False If false, raises an exception if oemol contains undefined stereochemistry. _cls : class Molecule constructor Returns ------- molecules : List[Molecule] The list of ``Molecule`` objects in the file. Raises ------ GAFFAtomTypeWarning If the loaded mol2 file possibly uses GAFF atom types, which are not supported. Examples -------- Load a mol2 file into an OpenFF ``Molecule`` object. >>> from openff.toolkit.utils import get_data_file_path >>> mol2_file_path = get_data_file_path('molecules/cyclohexane.mol2') >>> toolkit = OpenEyeToolkitWrapper() >>> molecule = toolkit.from_file(mol2_file_path, file_format='mol2') """ from openeye import oechem oeformat = get_oeformat(file_format) ifs = oechem.oemolistream(file_path) if not ifs.IsValid(): # Get Python to report an error message, if possible. # This can distinguish between FileNotFound, IsADirectoryError, etc. open(file_path).close() # If that worked, then who knows. Fail anyway. raise OSError("Unable to open file") ifs.SetFormat(oeformat) return self._read_oemolistream_molecules( ifs, allow_undefined_stereo, file_path=file_path, _cls=_cls )
[docs] def from_file_obj( self, file_obj, file_format, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None ): """ Return an openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule from a file-like object (an object with a ".read()" method using this toolkit. Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object The file-like object to read the molecule from file_format : str Format specifier, usually file suffix (eg. 'MOL2', 'SMI') Note that not all toolkits support all formats. Check ToolkitWrapper.toolkit_file_read_formats for details. allow_undefined_stereo : bool, default=False If false, raises an exception if oemol contains undefined stereochemistry. _cls : class Molecule constructor Returns ------- molecules : List[Molecule] The list of Molecule objects in the file object. Raises ------ GAFFAtomTypeWarning If the loaded mol2 file possibly uses GAFF atom types, which are not supported. """ from openeye import oechem # Configure input molecule stream. ifs = oechem.oemolistream() ifs.openstring( oeformat = get_oeformat(file_format) ifs.SetFormat(oeformat) return self._read_oemolistream_molecules(ifs, allow_undefined_stereo, _cls=_cls)
[docs] def to_file_obj(self, molecule, file_obj, file_format): """ Writes an OpenFF Molecule to a file-like object Parameters ---------- molecule : an OpenFF Molecule The molecule to write file_obj The file-like object to write to file_format The format for writing the molecule data """ # This function requires a text-mode file_obj. try: file_obj.write("") except TypeError: # Switch to a ValueError and use a more informative exception # message to match RDKit. raise ValueError( "Need a text mode file object like StringIO or a file opened with mode 't'" ) from None with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: path = pathlib.Path(tmpdir, f"input.{file_format.lower()}") self.to_file(molecule, str(path), file_format) file_data = path.read_text() file_obj.write(file_data)
[docs] def to_file(self, molecule, file_path, file_format): """ Writes an OpenFF Molecule to a file-like object Parameters ---------- molecule : an OpenFF Molecule The molecule to write file_path The file path to write to. file_format The format for writing the molecule data """ from openeye import oechem oemol = self.to_openeye(molecule) ofs = oechem.oemolostream(file_path) if not ofs.IsValid(): # Get Python to report an error message, if possible. # This can distinguish between PermissionError, IsADirectoryError, etc. open(file_path, "wb").close() # If that worked, then who knows. Fail anyway. raise OSError("Unable to open file") openeye_format = get_oeformat(file_format) ofs.SetFormat(openeye_format) if openeye_format == oechem.OEFormat_SMI: ofs.SetFlavor( openeye_format, self._get_smiles_flavor(isomeric=True, explicit_hydrogens=True), ) # OFFTK strictly treats SDF as a single-conformer format. # We need to override OETK's behavior here if the user is saving a multiconformer molecule. # Remove all but the first conformer when writing to SDF as we only support single conformer format if (file_format.lower() == "sdf") and oemol.NumConfs() > 1: conf1 = [conf for conf in oemol.GetConfs()][0] flat_coords = list() for idx, coord in conf1.GetCoords().items(): flat_coords.extend(coord) oemol.DeleteConfs() oecoords = oechem.OEFloatArray(flat_coords) oemol.NewConf(oecoords) # We're standardizing on putting partial charges into SDFs under the `atom.dprop.PartialCharge` property if (file_format.lower() == "sdf") and (molecule.partial_charges is not None): partial_charges_list = [ oeatom.GetPartialCharge() for oeatom in oemol.GetAtoms() ] partial_charges_str = " ".join([f"{val:f}" for val in partial_charges_list]) # TODO: "dprop" means "double precision" -- Is there any way to make Python more accurately # describe/infer the proper data type? oechem.OESetSDData(oemol, "atom.dprop.PartialCharge", partial_charges_str) # If the file format is "pdb" using OEWriteMolecule() rearranges the atoms (hydrogens are pushed to the bottom) # Issue #475 ( # dfhahn's workaround: Using OEWritePDBFile does not alter the atom arrangement if file_format.lower() == "pdb": if oemol.NumConfs() > 1: for conf in oemol.GetConfs(): oechem.OEWritePDBFile(ofs, conf, oechem.OEOFlavor_PDB_BONDS) else: oechem.OEWritePDBFile(ofs, oemol, oechem.OEOFlavor_PDB_BONDS) else: oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, oemol) ofs.close()
@staticmethod def _turn_oemolbase_sd_charges_into_partial_charges(oemol): """ Process an OEMolBase object and check to see whether it has an SD data pair where the tag is "atom.dprop.PartialCharge", indicating that it has a list of atomic partial charges. If so, apply those charges to the OEAtoms in the OEMolBase, and delete the SD data pair. Parameters ---------- oemol : openeye.oechem.OEMolBase The molecule to process Returns ------- charges_are_present : bool Whether charges are present in the SD file. This is necessary because OEAtoms have a default partial charge of 0.0, which makes truly zero-charge molecules (eg "N2", "Ar"...) indistinguishable from molecules for which partial charges have not been assigned. The OFF Toolkit allows this distinction with mol.partial_charges=None. In order to complete roundtrips within the OFFMol spec, we must interpret the presence or absence of this tag as a proxy for mol.partial_charges=None. """ from openeye import oechem for dp in oechem.OEGetSDDataPairs(oemol): if dp.GetTag() == "atom.dprop.PartialCharge": charges_str = oechem.OEGetSDData(oemol, "atom.dprop.PartialCharge") charges_unitless = [float(i) for i in charges_str.split()] assert len(charges_unitless) == oemol.NumAtoms() for charge, oeatom in zip(charges_unitless, oemol.GetAtoms()): oeatom.SetPartialCharge(charge) oechem.OEDeleteSDData(oemol, "atom.dprop.PartialCharge") return True return False def _read_oemolistream_molecules( self, oemolistream, allow_undefined_stereo, file_path=None, _cls=None ): """ Reads and return the Molecules in a OEMol input stream. Parameters ---------- oemolistream : oechem.oemolistream The OEMol input stream to read from. allow_undefined_stereo : bool If false, raises an exception if oemol contains undefined stereochemistry. file_path : str, optional The path to the mol2 file. This is used exclusively to make the error message more meaningful when the mol2 files doesn't use Tripos atom types. _cls : class Molecule constructor Returns ------- molecules : List[Molecule] The list of Molecule objects in the stream. """ from openeye import oechem mols = list() oemol = oechem.OEMol() while oechem.OEReadMolecule(oemolistream, oemol): oechem.OEPerceiveChiral(oemol) oechem.OEAssignAromaticFlags(oemol, oechem.OEAroModel_MDL) oechem.OE3DToInternalStereo(oemol) # If this is either a multi-conformer or multi-molecule SD file, check to see if there are partial charges if (oemolistream.GetFormat() == oechem.OEFormat_SDF) and hasattr( oemol, "GetConfs" ): # The openFF toolkit treats each conformer in a "multiconformer" SDF as # a separate molecule. # # Note that there is ambiguity about how SD data and "multiconformer" SD files should be stored. # As a result, we have to do some weird stuff below, as discussed in # # Jeff: I was unable to find a way to distinguish whether a SDF was multiconformer or not. # The logic below should handle either single- or multi-conformer SDFs. for conf in oemol.GetConfIter(): # First, we turn "conf" into an OEMCMol (OE multiconformer mol), since OTHER file formats # really are multiconformer, and we will eventually feed this into the `from_openeye` function, # which is made to ingest multiconformer mols. this_conf_oemcmol = conf.GetMCMol() # Then, we take any SD data pairs that were on the oemol, and copy them on to "this_conf_oemcmol". # These SD pairs will be populated if we're dealing with a single-conformer SDF. for dp in oechem.OEGetSDDataPairs(oemol): oechem.OESetSDData( this_conf_oemcmol, dp.GetTag(), dp.GetValue() ) # On the other hand, these SD pairs will be populated if we're dealing with a MULTI-conformer SDF. for dp in oechem.OEGetSDDataPairs(conf): oechem.OESetSDData( this_conf_oemcmol, dp.GetTag(), dp.GetValue() ) # This function fishes out the special SD data tag we use for partial charge # ("atom.dprop.PartialCharge"), and applies those as OETK-supported partial charges on the OEAtoms has_charges = self._turn_oemolbase_sd_charges_into_partial_charges( this_conf_oemcmol ) # Finally, we feed the molecule into `from_openeye`, where it converted into an OFFMol mol = self.from_openeye( this_conf_oemcmol, allow_undefined_stereo=allow_undefined_stereo, _cls=_cls, ) # If the molecule didn't even have the `PartialCharges` tag, we set it from zeroes to None here. if not (has_charges): mol.partial_charges = None mols.append(mol) else: # In case this is being read from a SINGLE-molecule SD file, convert the SD field where we # stash partial charges into actual per-atom partial charges self._turn_oemolbase_sd_charges_into_partial_charges(oemol) mol = self.from_openeye( oemol, allow_undefined_stereo=allow_undefined_stereo, _cls=_cls ) mols.append(mol) # Check if this is an AMBER-produced mol2 file, which we can not load because they use GAFF atom types. if oemolistream.GetFormat() == oechem.OEFormat_MOL2: self._check_mol2_gaff_atom_type(mol, file_path) return mols
[docs] def enumerate_protomers(self, molecule, max_states=10): """ Enumerate the formal charges of a molecule to generate different protomoers. Parameters ---------- molecule: openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule The molecule whose state we should enumerate max_states: int optional, default=10, The maximum number of protomer states to be returned. Returns ------- molecules: List[openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule], A list of the protomers of the input molecules not including the input. """ from openeye import oequacpac options = oequacpac.OEFormalChargeOptions() # add one as the input is included options.SetMaxCount(max_states + 1) molecules = [] oemol = self.to_openeye(molecule=molecule) for protomer in oequacpac.OEEnumerateFormalCharges(oemol, options): mol = self.from_openeye( protomer, allow_undefined_stereo=True, _cls=molecule.__class__ ) if mol != molecule: molecules.append(mol) return molecules
[docs] def enumerate_stereoisomers( self, molecule, undefined_only=False, max_isomers=20, rationalise=True ): """ Enumerate the stereocenters and bonds of the current molecule. Parameters ---------- molecule: openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule The molecule whose state we should enumerate undefined_only: bool optional, default=False If we should enumerate all stereocenters and bonds or only those with undefined stereochemistry max_isomers: int optional, default=20 The maximum amount of molecules that should be returned rationalise: bool optional, default=True If we should try to build and rationalise the molecule to ensure it can exist Returns -------- molecules: List[openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule] A list of openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule instances """ from openeye import oechem, oeomega oemol = self.to_openeye(molecule=molecule) # arguments for this function can be found here # <> molecules = [] for isomer in oeomega.OEFlipper(oemol, 200, not undefined_only, True, False): if rationalise: # try and determine if the molecule is reasonable by generating a conformer with # strict stereo, like embedding in rdkit omega = oeomega.OEOmega() omega.SetMaxConfs(1) omega.SetCanonOrder(False) # Don't generate random stereoisomer if not specified omega.SetStrictStereo(True) mol = oechem.OEMol(isomer) status = omega(mol) if status: isomol = self.from_openeye(mol, _cls=molecule.__class__) if isomol != molecule: molecules.append(isomol) else: isomol = self.from_openeye(isomer, _cls=molecule.__class__) if isomol != molecule: molecules.append(isomol) return molecules[:max_isomers]
[docs] def enumerate_tautomers(self, molecule, max_states=20): """ Enumerate the possible tautomers of the current molecule Parameters ---------- molecule: openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule The molecule whose state we should enumerate max_states: int optional, default=20 The maximum amount of molecules that should be returned Returns ------- molecules: List[openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule] A list of openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule instances excluding the input molecule. """ from openeye import oequacpac oemol = self.to_openeye(molecule=molecule) tautomers = [] # set the options tautomer_options = oequacpac.OETautomerOptions() tautomer_options.SetApplyWarts(False) tautomer_options.SetMaxTautomersGenerated(max_states + 1) tautomer_options.SetSaveStereo(True) # this aligns the outputs of rdkit and openeye for the example cases tautomer_options.SetCarbonHybridization(False) for tautomer in oequacpac.OEEnumerateTautomers(oemol, tautomer_options): # remove the input tautomer from the output taut = self.from_openeye( tautomer, allow_undefined_stereo=True, _cls=molecule.__class__ ) if taut != molecule: tautomers.append( self.from_openeye( tautomer, allow_undefined_stereo=True, _cls=molecule.__class__ ) ) return tautomers
@staticmethod def _check_mol2_gaff_atom_type(molecule, file_path=None): """Attempts to detect the presence of GAFF atom types in a molecule loaded from a mol2 file. For now, this raises a ``GAFFAtomTypeWarning`` if the molecule include Osmium and Holmium atoms, which have GAFF types OS and HO respectively. Parameters ---------- molecule : openff.toolkit.topology.molecule.Molecule The loaded molecule. file_path : str, optional The path to the mol2 file. This is used exclusively to make the error message more meaningful. """ # Handle default. if file_path is None: file_path = "" else: # Append a ':' character that will separate the file # path from the molecule string representation. file_path = file_path + ":" # atomic_number: (GAFF_type, element_name) warning_atomic_numbers = {76: ("OS", "Osmium"), 67: ("HO", "Holmium")} for atom in molecule.atoms: try: atom_type, element_name = warning_atomic_numbers[atom.atomic_number] except KeyError: pass else: import warnings warn_msg = ( f'OpenEye interpreted the type "{atom_type}" in {file_path}{}' f" as {element_name}. Does your mol2 file uses Tripos SYBYL atom types?" " Other atom types such as GAFF are not supported." ) warnings.warn(warn_msg, GAFFAtomTypeWarning) @staticmethod def _openeye_cip_atom_stereochemistry(oemol, oeatom): """ Determine CIP stereochemistry (R/S) for the specified atom Parameters ---------- oemol : openeye.oechem.OEMolBase The molecule of interest oeatom : openeye.oechem.OEAtomBase The atom whose stereochemistry is to be computed Returns ------- stereochemistry : str 'R', 'S', or None if no stereochemistry is specified or the atom is not a stereocenter """ from openeye import oechem if not oeatom.HasStereoSpecified(): # No stereochemical information has been stored, so this could be unknown stereochemistry # TODO: Should we raise an exception? return None cip = oechem.OEPerceiveCIPStereo(oemol, oeatom) if cip == oechem.OECIPAtomStereo_S: return "S" elif cip == oechem.OECIPAtomStereo_R: return "R" elif cip == oechem.OECIPAtomStereo_NotStereo: # Not a stereocenter # TODO: Should this be a different case from ``None``? return None @staticmethod def _openeye_cip_bond_stereochemistry(oemol, oebond): """ Determine CIP stereochemistry (E/Z) for the specified bond Parameters ---------- oemol : openeye.oechem.OEMolBase The molecule of interest oebond : openeye.oechem.OEBondBase The bond whose stereochemistry is to be computed Returns ------- stereochemistry : str 'E', 'Z', or None if stereochemistry is unspecified or the bond is not a stereo bond """ from openeye import oechem if not oebond.HasStereoSpecified(): # No stereochemical information has been stored, so this could be unknown stereochemistry # TODO: Should we raise an exception? return None cip = oechem.OEPerceiveCIPStereo(oemol, oebond) if cip == oechem.OECIPBondStereo_E: return "E" elif cip == oechem.OECIPBondStereo_Z: return "Z" elif cip == oechem.OECIPBondStereo_NotStereo: return None
[docs] @staticmethod def from_openeye(oemol, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None): """ Create a Molecule from an OpenEye molecule. If the OpenEye molecule has implicit hydrogens, this function will make them explicit. ``OEAtom`` s have a different set of allowed value for partial charges than ``openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule`` s. In the OpenEye toolkits, partial charges are stored on individual ``OEAtom`` s, and their values are initialized to ``0.0``. In the Open Force Field Toolkit, an ``openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule``'s ``partial_charges`` attribute is initialized to ``None`` and can be set to a ``openmm.unit.Quantity``-wrapped numpy array with units of elementary charge. The Open Force Field Toolkit considers an ``OEMol`` where every ``OEAtom`` has a partial charge of ``float('nan')`` to be equivalent to an Open Force Field Toolkit `Molecule`'s ``partial_charges = None``. This assumption is made in both ``to_openeye`` and ``from_openeye``. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. Parameters ---------- oemol : openeye.oechem.OEMol An OpenEye molecule allow_undefined_stereo : bool, default=False If false, raises an exception if oemol contains undefined stereochemistry. _cls : class Molecule constructor Returns ------- molecule : openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule An OpenFF molecule Examples -------- Create a Molecule from an OpenEye OEMol >>> from openeye import oechem >>> from openff.toolkit.tests.utils import get_data_file_path >>> ifs = oechem.oemolistream(get_data_file_path('systems/monomers/ethanol.mol2')) >>> oemols = list(ifs.GetOEGraphMols()) >>> toolkit_wrapper = OpenEyeToolkitWrapper() >>> molecule = toolkit_wrapper.from_openeye(oemols[0]) """ import math from openeye import oechem oemol = oechem.OEMol(oemol) # Add explicit hydrogens if they're implicit if oechem.OEHasImplicitHydrogens(oemol): oechem.OEAddExplicitHydrogens(oemol) # TODO: Is there any risk to perceiving aromaticity here instead of later? oechem.OEAssignAromaticFlags(oemol, oechem.OEAroModel_MDL) oechem.OEPerceiveChiral(oemol) # Check that all stereo is specified # Potentially better OE stereo check: OEFlipper — Toolkits - - Python # https: // / toolkits / python / omegatk / OEConfGenFunctions / OEFlipper.html unspec_chiral = False unspec_db = False problematic_atoms = list() problematic_bonds = list() for oeatom in oemol.GetAtoms(): if oeatom.IsChiral(): if not (oeatom.HasStereoSpecified()): unspec_chiral = True problematic_atoms.append(oeatom) for oebond in oemol.GetBonds(): if oebond.IsChiral(): if not (oebond.HasStereoSpecified()): unspec_db = True problematic_bonds.append(oebond) if unspec_chiral or unspec_db: def oeatom_to_str(oeatom): return "atomic num: {}, name: {}, idx: {}, aromatic: {}, chiral: {}".format( oeatom.GetAtomicNum(), oeatom.GetName(), oeatom.GetIdx(), oeatom.IsAromatic(), oeatom.IsChiral(), ) def oebond_to_str(oebond): return "order: {}, chiral: {}".format( oebond.GetOrder(), oebond.IsChiral() ) def describe_oeatom(oeatom): description = "Atom {} with bonds:".format(oeatom_to_str(oeatom)) for oebond in oeatom.GetBonds(): description += "\nbond {} to atom {}".format( oebond_to_str(oebond), oeatom_to_str(oebond.GetNbr(oeatom)) ) return description msg = ( "OEMol has unspecified stereochemistry. " "oemol.GetTitle(): {}\n".format(oemol.GetTitle()) ) if len(problematic_atoms) != 0: msg += "Problematic atoms are:\n" for problematic_atom in problematic_atoms: msg += describe_oeatom(problematic_atom) + "\n" if len(problematic_bonds) != 0: msg += "Problematic bonds are: {}\n".format(problematic_bonds) if allow_undefined_stereo: msg = "Warning (not error because allow_undefined_stereo=True): " + msg logger.warning(msg) else: msg = "Unable to make OFFMol from OEMol: " + msg raise UndefinedStereochemistryError(msg) if _cls is None: from openff.toolkit.topology.molecule import Molecule _cls = Molecule molecule = _cls() = oemol.GetTitle() # Copy any attached SD tag information for dp in oechem.OEGetSDDataPairs(oemol): molecule._properties[dp.GetTag()] = dp.GetValue() map_atoms = dict() # {oemol_idx: molecule_idx} atom_mapping = {} for oeatom in oemol.GetAtoms(): oe_idx = oeatom.GetIdx() map_id = oeatom.GetMapIdx() atomic_number = oeatom.GetAtomicNum() formal_charge = oeatom.GetFormalCharge() * unit.elementary_charge is_aromatic = oeatom.IsAromatic() stereochemistry = OpenEyeToolkitWrapper._openeye_cip_atom_stereochemistry( oemol, oeatom ) # stereochemistry = self._openeye_cip_atom_stereochemistry(oemol, oeatom) name = oeatom.GetName() atom_index = molecule._add_atom( atomic_number, formal_charge, is_aromatic, stereochemistry=stereochemistry, name=name, ) map_atoms[ oe_idx ] = atom_index # store for mapping oeatom to molecule atom indices below atom_mapping[atom_index] = map_id # If we have a full / partial atom map add it to the molecule. Zeroes 0 # indicates no mapping if {*atom_mapping.values()} != {0}: molecule._properties["atom_map"] = { idx: map_idx for idx, map_idx in atom_mapping.items() if map_idx != 0 } for oebond in oemol.GetBonds(): atom1_index = map_atoms[oebond.GetBgnIdx()] atom2_index = map_atoms[oebond.GetEndIdx()] bond_order = oebond.GetOrder() is_aromatic = oebond.IsAromatic() stereochemistry = OpenEyeToolkitWrapper._openeye_cip_bond_stereochemistry( oemol, oebond ) if oebond.HasData("fractional_bond_order"): fractional_bond_order = oebond.GetData("fractional_bond_order") else: fractional_bond_order = None molecule._add_bond( atom1_index, atom2_index, bond_order, is_aromatic=is_aromatic, stereochemistry=stereochemistry, fractional_bond_order=fractional_bond_order, ) # TODO: Copy conformations, if present # TODO: Come up with some scheme to know when to import coordinates # From SMILES: no # From MOL2: maybe # From other: maybe if hasattr(oemol, "GetConfs"): for conf in oemol.GetConfs(): n_atoms = molecule.n_atoms positions = unit.Quantity( np.zeros(shape=[n_atoms, 3], dtype=np.float64), unit.angstrom ) for oe_id in conf.GetCoords().keys(): off_atom_coords = unit.Quantity( conf.GetCoords()[oe_id], unit.angstrom ) off_atom_index = map_atoms[oe_id] positions[off_atom_index, :] = off_atom_coords if (positions == 0 * unit.angstrom).all() and n_atoms > 1: continue molecule._add_conformer(positions) # Copy partial charges, if present partial_charges = unit.Quantity( np.zeros(shape=molecule.n_atoms, dtype=np.float64), unit=unit.elementary_charge, ) # If all OEAtoms have a partial charge of NaN, then the OFFMol should # have its partial_charges attribute set to None any_partial_charge_is_not_nan = False for oe_atom in oemol.GetAtoms(): oe_idx = oe_atom.GetIdx() off_idx = map_atoms[oe_idx] unitless_charge = oe_atom.GetPartialCharge() if not math.isnan(unitless_charge): any_partial_charge_is_not_nan = True # break charge = unitless_charge * unit.elementary_charge partial_charges[off_idx] = charge if any_partial_charge_is_not_nan: molecule.partial_charges = partial_charges else: molecule.partial_charges = None return molecule
[docs] @staticmethod def to_openeye(molecule, aromaticity_model=DEFAULT_AROMATICITY_MODEL): r""" Create an OpenEye molecule using the specified aromaticity model ``OEAtom`` s have a different set of allowed value for partial charges than ``openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule``\ s. In the OpenEye toolkits, partial charges are stored on individual ``OEAtom``\ s, and their values are initialized to ``0.0``. In the Open Force Field Toolkit, an``openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule``'s ``partial_charges`` attribute is initialized to ``None`` and can be set to a ``openmm.unit.Quantity``-wrapped numpy array with units of elementary charge. The Open Force Field Toolkit considers an ``OEMol`` where every ``OEAtom`` has a partial charge of ``float('nan')`` to be equivalent to an Open Force Field Toolkit ``Molecule``'s ``partial_charges = None``. This assumption is made in both ``to_openeye`` and ``from_openeye``. .. todo :: * Should the aromaticity model be specified in some other way? .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. Parameters ---------- molecule : openff.toolkit.topology.molecule.Molecule object The molecule to convert to an OEMol aromaticity_model : str, optional, default=DEFAULT_AROMATICITY_MODEL The aromaticity model to use Returns ------- oemol : openeye.oechem.OEMol An OpenEye molecule Examples -------- Create an OpenEye molecule from a Molecule >>> from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule >>> toolkit_wrapper = OpenEyeToolkitWrapper() >>> molecule = Molecule.from_smiles('CC') >>> oemol = toolkit_wrapper.to_openeye(molecule) """ from openeye import oechem if hasattr(oechem, aromaticity_model): oe_aro_model = getattr(oechem, aromaticity_model) else: raise ValueError( "Error: provided aromaticity model not recognized by oechem." ) oemol = oechem.OEMol() # if not( is None): oemol.SetTitle( map_atoms = {} # {off_idx : oe_idx} # Add atoms oemol_atoms = list() # list of corresponding oemol atoms for atom in molecule.atoms: oeatom = oemol.NewAtom(atom.atomic_number) oeatom.SetFormalCharge( atom.formal_charge.value_in_unit(unit.elementary_charge) ) # simtk.unit.Quantity(1, unit.elementary_charge) # TODO: Do we want to provide _any_ pathway for Atom.is_aromatic to influence the OEMol? # oeatom.SetAromatic(atom.is_aromatic) oeatom.SetName( oeatom.SetPartialCharge(float("nan")) oemol_atoms.append(oeatom) map_atoms[atom.molecule_atom_index] = oeatom.GetIdx() # Add bonds oemol_bonds = list() # list of corresponding oemol bonds for bond in molecule.bonds: # atom1_index = molecule.atoms.index(bond.atom1) # atom2_index = molecule.atoms.index(bond.atom2) atom1_index = bond.atom1_index atom2_index = bond.atom2_index oebond = oemol.NewBond(oemol_atoms[atom1_index], oemol_atoms[atom2_index]) oebond.SetOrder(bond.bond_order) # TODO: Do we want to provide _any_ pathway for Bond.is_aromatic to influence the OEMol? # oebond.SetAromatic(bond.is_aromatic) if not (bond.fractional_bond_order is None): oebond.SetData("fractional_bond_order", bond.fractional_bond_order) oemol_bonds.append(oebond) oechem.OEAssignAromaticFlags(oemol, oe_aro_model) # Set atom stereochemistry now that all connectivity is in place for atom, oeatom in zip(molecule.atoms, oemol_atoms): if not atom.stereochemistry: continue # Set arbitrary initial stereochemistry neighs = [n for n in oeatom.GetAtoms()] oeatom.SetStereo( neighs, oechem.OEAtomStereo_Tetra, oechem.OEAtomStereo_Right ) # Flip chirality if stereochemistry isincorrect oeatom_stereochemistry = ( OpenEyeToolkitWrapper._openeye_cip_atom_stereochemistry(oemol, oeatom) ) if oeatom_stereochemistry != atom.stereochemistry: # Flip the stereochemistry oeatom.SetStereo( neighs, oechem.OEAtomStereo_Tetra, oechem.OEAtomStereo_Left ) # Verify it matches now as a sanity check oeatom_stereochemistry = ( OpenEyeToolkitWrapper._openeye_cip_atom_stereochemistry( oemol, oeatom ) ) if oeatom_stereochemistry != atom.stereochemistry: raise Exception( "Programming error: OpenEye atom stereochemistry assumptions failed." ) # Set bond stereochemistry for bond, oebond in zip(molecule.bonds, oemol_bonds): if not bond.stereochemistry: continue atom1_index = bond.molecule.atoms.index(bond.atom1) atom2_index = bond.molecule.atoms.index(bond.atom2) # Set arbitrary initial stereochemistry oeatom1, oeatom2 = oemol_atoms[atom1_index], oemol_atoms[atom2_index] oeatom1_neighbor = [n for n in oeatom1.GetAtoms() if not n == oeatom2][0] oeatom2_neighbor = [n for n in oeatom2.GetAtoms() if not n == oeatom1][0] # oebond.SetStereo([oeatom1, oeatom2], oechem.OEBondStereo_CisTrans, oechem.OEBondStereo_Cis) oebond.SetStereo( [oeatom1_neighbor, oeatom2_neighbor], oechem.OEBondStereo_CisTrans, oechem.OEBondStereo_Cis, ) # Flip stereochemistry if incorrect oebond_stereochemistry = ( OpenEyeToolkitWrapper._openeye_cip_bond_stereochemistry(oemol, oebond) ) if oebond_stereochemistry != bond.stereochemistry: # Flip the stereochemistry oebond.SetStereo( [oeatom1_neighbor, oeatom2_neighbor], oechem.OEBondStereo_CisTrans, oechem.OEBondStereo_Trans, ) # Verify it matches now as a sanity check oebond_stereochemistry = ( OpenEyeToolkitWrapper._openeye_cip_bond_stereochemistry( oemol, oebond ) ) if oebond_stereochemistry != bond.stereochemistry: raise Exception( "Programming error: OpenEye bond stereochemistry assumptions failed." ) # Retain conformations, if present if molecule.n_conformers != 0: oemol.DeleteConfs() for conf in molecule._conformers: # OE needs a 1 x (3*n_Atoms) double array as input flat_coords = np.zeros(shape=oemol.NumAtoms() * 3, dtype=np.float64) for index, oe_idx in map_atoms.items(): (x, y, z) = conf[index, :].value_in_unit(unit.angstrom) flat_coords[(3 * oe_idx)] = x flat_coords[(3 * oe_idx) + 1] = y flat_coords[(3 * oe_idx) + 2] = z oecoords = oechem.OEFloatArray(flat_coords) oemol.NewConf(oecoords) # Retain charges, if present. All atoms are initialized above with a partial charge of NaN. if molecule._partial_charges is not None: oe_indexed_charges = np.zeros(shape=molecule.n_atoms, dtype=np.float64) for off_idx, charge in enumerate(molecule._partial_charges): oe_idx = map_atoms[off_idx] charge_unitless = charge.value_in_unit(unit.elementary_charge) oe_indexed_charges[oe_idx] = charge_unitless # TODO: This loop below fails if we try to use an "enumerate"-style loop. # It's worth investigating whether we make this assumption elsewhere in the codebase, since # the OE docs may indicate that this sort of usage is a very bad thing to do. # # for oe_idx, oe_atom in enumerate(oemol.GetAtoms()): for oe_atom in oemol.GetAtoms(): oe_idx = oe_atom.GetIdx() oe_atom.SetPartialCharge(oe_indexed_charges[oe_idx]) # Retain properties, if present for key, value in oechem.OESetSDData(oemol, str(key), str(value)) # Clean Up phase # The only feature of a molecule that wasn't perceived above seemed to be ring connectivity, better to run it # here then for someone to inquire about ring sizes and get 0 when it shouldn't be oechem.OEFindRingAtomsAndBonds(oemol) return oemol
def _get_smiles_flavor(self, isomeric, explicit_hydrogens): from openeye import oechem # this sets up the default settings following the old DEFAULT flag # more information on flags can be found here # <> smiles_options = ( oechem.OESMILESFlag_Canonical | oechem.OESMILESFlag_Isotopes | oechem.OESMILESFlag_RGroups ) # check if we want an isomeric smiles if isomeric: # add the atom and bond stereo flags smiles_options |= ( oechem.OESMILESFlag_AtomStereo | oechem.OESMILESFlag_BondStereo ) if explicit_hydrogens: # add the hydrogen flag smiles_options |= oechem.OESMILESFlag_Hydrogens return smiles_options
[docs] def to_smiles(self, molecule, isomeric=True, explicit_hydrogens=True, mapped=False): """ Uses the OpenEye toolkit to convert a Molecule into a SMILES string. A partially mapped smiles can also be generated for atoms of interest by supplying an `atom_map` to the properties dictionary. Parameters ---------- molecule : An openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule The molecule to convert into a SMILES. isomeric: bool optional, default= True return an isomeric smiles explicit_hydrogens: bool optional, default=True return a smiles string containing all hydrogens explicitly mapped: bool optional, default=False return a explicit hydrogen mapped smiles, the atoms to be mapped can be controlled by supplying an atom map into the properties dictionary. If no mapping is passed all atoms will be mapped in order, else an atom map dictionary from the current atom index to the map id should be supplied with no duplicates. The map ids (values) should start from 0 or 1. Returns ------- smiles : str The SMILES of the input molecule. """ from openeye import oechem oemol = self.to_openeye(molecule) smiles_options = self._get_smiles_flavor(isomeric, explicit_hydrogens) if mapped: assert explicit_hydrogens is True, ( "Mapped smiles require all hydrogens and " "stereochemsitry to be defined to retain order" ) # if we only want to map specific atoms check for an atom map atom_map = molecule._properties.get("atom_map", None) if atom_map is not None: # make sure there are no repeated indices map_ids = set(atom_map.values()) if len(map_ids) < len(atom_map): atom_map = None elif 0 in atom_map.values(): # we need to increment the map index for atom, map in atom_map.items(): atom_map[atom] = map + 1 if atom_map is None: # now we need to add the atom map to the atoms for oeatom in oemol.GetAtoms(): oeatom.SetMapIdx(oeatom.GetIdx() + 1) else: for atom in oemol.GetAtoms(): try: # try to set the atom map map_idx = atom_map[atom.GetIdx()] atom.SetMapIdx(map_idx) except KeyError: continue smiles_options |= oechem.OESMILESFlag_AtomMaps smiles = oechem.OECreateSmiString(oemol, smiles_options) return smiles
[docs] def to_inchi(self, molecule, fixed_hydrogens=False): """ Create an InChI string for the molecule using the RDKit Toolkit. InChI is a standardised representation that does not capture tautomers unless specified using the fixed hydrogen layer. For information on InChi see here Parameters ---------- molecule : An openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule The molecule to convert into a SMILES. fixed_hydrogens: bool, default=False If a fixed hydrogen layer should be added to the InChI, if `True` this will produce a non standard specific InChI string of the molecule. Returns -------- inchi: str The InChI string of the molecule. """ from openeye import oechem oemol = self.to_openeye(molecule) if fixed_hydrogens: opts = oechem.OEInChIOptions() opts.SetFixedHLayer(True) inchi = oechem.OEMolToInChI(oemol) else: inchi = oechem.OEMolToSTDInChI(oemol) return inchi
[docs] def to_inchikey(self, molecule, fixed_hydrogens=False): """ Create an InChIKey for the molecule using the RDKit Toolkit. InChIKey is a standardised representation that does not capture tautomers unless specified using the fixed hydrogen layer. For information on InChi see here Parameters ---------- molecule : An openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule The molecule to convert into a SMILES. fixed_hydrogens: bool, default=False If a fixed hydrogen layer should be added to the InChI, if `True` this will produce a non standard specific InChI string of the molecule. Returns -------- inchi_key: str The InChIKey representation of the molecule. """ from openeye import oechem oemol = self.to_openeye(molecule) if fixed_hydrogens: opts = oechem.OEInChIOptions() opts.SetFixedHLayer(True) inchi_key = oechem.OEMolToInChIKey(oemol) else: inchi_key = oechem.OEMolToSTDInChIKey(oemol) return inchi_key
[docs] def to_iupac(self, molecule): """Generate IUPAC name from Molecule Parameters ---------- molecule : An openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule The molecule to convert into a SMILES. Returns ------- iupac_name : str IUPAC name of the molecule Examples -------- >>> from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule >>> from openff.toolkit.utils import get_data_file_path >>> sdf_filepath = get_data_file_path('molecules/ethanol.sdf') >>> molecule = Molecule(sdf_filepath) >>> toolkit = OpenEyeToolkitWrapper() >>> iupac_name = toolkit.to_iupac(molecule) """ from openeye import oeiupac oemol = self.to_openeye(molecule) return oeiupac.OECreateIUPACName(oemol)
[docs] def canonical_order_atoms(self, molecule): """ Canonical order the atoms in the molecule using the OpenEye toolkit. Parameters ---------- molecule: openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule The input molecule Returns ------- molecule : openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule The input molecule, with canonically-indexed atoms and bonds. """ from openeye import oechem oemol = self.to_openeye(molecule) oechem.OECanonicalOrderAtoms(oemol) oechem.OECanonicalOrderBonds(oemol) # reorder the iterator vatm = [] for atom in oemol.GetAtoms(): if atom.GetAtomicNum() != oechem.OEElemNo_H: vatm.append(atom) oemol.OrderAtoms(vatm) vbnd = [] for bond in oemol.GetBonds(): if ( bond.GetBgn().GetAtomicNum() != oechem.OEElemNo_H and bond.GetEnd().GetAtomicNum() != oechem.OEElemNo_H ): vbnd.append(bond) oemol.OrderBonds(vbnd) oemol.Sweep() for bond in oemol.GetBonds(): if bond.GetBgnIdx() > bond.GetEndIdx(): bond.SwapEnds() return self.from_openeye( oemol, allow_undefined_stereo=True, _cls=molecule.__class__ )
[docs] def from_smiles( self, smiles, hydrogens_are_explicit=False, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None, ): """ Create a Molecule from a SMILES string using the OpenEye toolkit. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. Parameters ---------- smiles : str The SMILES string to turn into a molecule hydrogens_are_explicit : bool, default = False If False, OE will perform hydrogen addition using OEAddExplicitHydrogens allow_undefined_stereo : bool, default=False Whether to accept SMILES with undefined stereochemistry. If False, an exception will be raised if a SMILES with undefined stereochemistry is passed into this function. _cls : class Molecule constructor Returns ------- molecule : openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule An OpenFF style molecule. """ from openeye import oechem oemol = oechem.OEGraphMol() if not oechem.OESmilesToMol(oemol, smiles): raise SMILESParseError("Unable to parse the SMILES string") if not (hydrogens_are_explicit): result = oechem.OEAddExplicitHydrogens(oemol) if not result: raise ValueError( "Addition of explicit hydrogens failed in from_openeye" ) elif hydrogens_are_explicit and oechem.OEHasImplicitHydrogens(oemol): raise ValueError( f"'hydrogens_are_explicit' was specified as True, but OpenEye Toolkit interpreted " f"SMILES '{smiles}' as having implicit hydrogen. If this SMILES is intended to " f"express all explicit hydrogens in the molecule, then you should construct the " f"desired molecule as an OEMol (where oechem.OEHasImplicitHydrogens(oemol) returns " f"False), and then use Molecule.from_openeye() to create the desired OFFMol." ) # Set partial charges to None, since they couldn't have been stored in a SMILES for atom in oemol.GetAtoms(): atom.SetPartialCharge(float("nan")) molecule = self.from_openeye( oemol, _cls=_cls, allow_undefined_stereo=allow_undefined_stereo ) return molecule
[docs] def from_inchi(self, inchi, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None): """ Construct a Molecule from a InChI representation Parameters ---------- inchi : str The InChI representation of the molecule. allow_undefined_stereo : bool, default=False Whether to accept InChI with undefined stereochemistry. If False, an exception will be raised if a InChI with undefined stereochemistry is passed into this function. _cls : class Molecule constructor Returns ------- molecule : openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule """ from openeye import oechem # This calls the same functions as OESmilesToMol oemol = oechem.OEGraphMol() oechem.OEInChIToMol(oemol, inchi) # try and catch InChI parsing fails # if there are no atoms don't build the molecule if oemol.NumAtoms() == 0: raise RuntimeError( "There was an issue parsing the InChI string, please check and try again." ) molecule = self.from_openeye( oemol, allow_undefined_stereo=allow_undefined_stereo, _cls=_cls ) return molecule
[docs] def from_iupac(self, iupac_name, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None, **kwargs): """ Construct a Molecule from an IUPAC name Parameters ---------- iupac_name : str The IUPAC or common name of the molecule. allow_undefined_stereo : bool, default=False Whether to accept a molecule name with undefined stereochemistry. If False, an exception will be raised if a molecule name with undefined stereochemistry is passed into this function. _cls : class Molecule constructor Returns ------- molecule : openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule """ from openeye import oechem, oeiupac oemol = oechem.OEMol() parsing_result = oeiupac.OEParseIUPACName(oemol, iupac_name) if not parsing_result: raise InvalidIUPACNameError( f"OpenEye failed to parse {iupac_name} as a IUPAC name" ) oechem.OETriposAtomNames(oemol) result = oechem.OEAddExplicitHydrogens(oemol) if not result: raise Exception("Addition of explicit hydrogens failed in from_iupac") molecule = self.from_openeye( oemol, allow_undefined_stereo=allow_undefined_stereo, _cls=_cls, **kwargs ) return molecule
[docs] def generate_conformers( self, molecule, n_conformers=1, rms_cutoff=None, clear_existing=True ): r""" Generate molecule conformers using OpenEye Omega. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. .. todo :: * which parameters should we expose? (or can we implement a general system with \*\*kwargs?) * will the coordinates be returned in the OpenFF Molecule's own indexing system? Or is there a chance that they'll get reindexed when we convert the input into an OEmol? Parameters ---------- molecule : a :class:`Molecule` The molecule to generate conformers for. n_conformers : int, default=1 The maximum number of conformers to generate. rms_cutoff : openmm.unit.Quantity-wrapped float, in units of distance, optional, default=None The minimum RMS value at which two conformers are considered redundant and one is deleted. If None, the cutoff is set to 1 Angstrom clear_existing : bool, default=True Whether to overwrite existing conformers for the molecule """ import copy from openeye import oeomega # Copy the molecule and scrub the conformers so that omega HAS to read stereo from graph mol # See mol_copy = copy.deepcopy(molecule) mol_copy._conformers = None oemol = self.to_openeye(mol_copy) omega = oeomega.OEOmega() omega.SetMaxConfs(n_conformers) omega.SetCanonOrder(False) omega.SetSampleHydrogens(True) omega.SetEnergyWindow(15.0) # unit? if rms_cutoff is None: omega.SetRMSThreshold(1.0) else: omega.SetRMSThreshold(rms_cutoff.value_in_unit(unit.angstrom)) # Don't generate random stereoisomer if not specified omega.SetStrictStereo(True) status = omega(oemol) if status is False: omega.SetStrictStereo(False) new_status = omega(oemol) if new_status is False: raise ConformerGenerationError( "OpenEye Omega conformer generation failed" ) molecule2 = self.from_openeye( oemol, allow_undefined_stereo=True, _cls=molecule.__class__ ) if clear_existing: molecule._conformers = list() for conformer in molecule2._conformers: molecule._add_conformer(conformer)
[docs] def apply_elf_conformer_selection( self, molecule: "Molecule", percentage: float = 2.0, limit: int = 10, ): """Applies the `ELF method <>`_ to select a set of diverse conformers which have minimal electrostatically strongly interacting functional groups from a molecules conformers. Notes ----- * The input molecule should have a large set of conformers already generated to select the ELF conformers from. * The selected conformers will be retained in the `molecule.conformers` list while unselected conformers will be discarded. See Also -------- RDKitToolkitWrapper.apply_elf_conformer_selection Parameters ---------- molecule The molecule which contains the set of conformers to select from. percentage The percentage of conformers with the lowest electrostatic interaction energies to greedily select from. limit The maximum number of conformers to select. """ from openeye import oechem, oequacpac if molecule.n_conformers == 0: return oe_molecule = molecule.to_openeye() # Select a subset of the OMEGA generated conformers using the ELF10 method. oe_elf_options = oequacpac.OEELFOptions() oe_elf_options.SetElfLimit(limit) oe_elf_options.SetPercent(percentage) oe_elf = oequacpac.OEELF(oe_elf_options) output_stream = oechem.oeosstream() oechem.OEThrow.SetOutputStream(output_stream) oechem.OEThrow.Clear() status = oe_elf.Select(oe_molecule) oechem.OEThrow.SetOutputStream(oechem.oeerr) output_string = output_stream.str().decode("UTF-8") output_string = output_string.replace("Warning: ", "") output_string = re.sub("^: +", "", output_string, flags=re.MULTILINE) output_string = re.sub("\n$", "", output_string) # Check to make sure the call to OE was succesful, and re-route any # non-fatal warnings to the correct logger. if not status: raise RuntimeError("\n" + output_string) elif len(output_string) > 0: logger.warning(output_string) # Extract and store the ELF conformers on the input molecule. conformers = [] for oe_conformer in oe_molecule.GetConfs(): conformer = np.zeros((oe_molecule.NumAtoms(), 3)) for atom_index, coordinates in oe_conformer.GetCoords().items(): conformer[atom_index, :] = coordinates conformers.append(conformer * unit.angstrom) molecule._conformers = conformers
[docs] def assign_partial_charges( self, molecule, partial_charge_method=None, use_conformers=None, strict_n_conformers=False, normalize_partial_charges=True, _cls=None, ): """ Compute partial charges with OpenEye quacpac, and assign the new values to the partial_charges attribute. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. .. todo :: * Should the default be ELF? * Can we expose more charge models? Parameters ---------- molecule : openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule Molecule for which partial charges are to be computed partial_charge_method : str, optional, default=None The charge model to use. One of ['amberff94', 'mmff', 'mmff94', `am1-mulliken`, 'am1bcc', 'am1bccnosymspt', 'am1bccelf10'] If None, 'am1-mulliken' will be used. use_conformers : iterable of openmm.unit.Quantity-wrapped numpy arrays, each with shape (n_atoms, 3) and dimension of distance. Optional, default = None Coordinates to use for partial charge calculation. If None, an appropriate number of conformers will be generated. strict_n_conformers : bool, default=False Whether to raise an exception if an invalid number of conformers is provided for the given charge method. If this is False and an invalid number of conformers is found, a warning will be raised. normalize_partial_charges : bool, default=True Whether to offset partial charges so that they sum to the total formal charge of the molecule. This is used to prevent accumulation of rounding errors when the partial charge generation method has low precision. _cls : class Molecule constructor Raises ------ ChargeMethodUnavailableError if the requested charge method can not be handled by this toolkit ChargeCalculationError if the charge method is supported by this toolkit, but fails """ import numpy as np from openeye import oechem, oequacpac from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule SUPPORTED_CHARGE_METHODS = { "am1bcc": { "oe_charge_method": oequacpac.OEAM1BCCCharges, "min_confs": 1, "max_confs": 1, "rec_confs": 1, }, "am1-mulliken": { "oe_charge_method": oequacpac.OEAM1Charges, "min_confs": 1, "max_confs": 1, "rec_confs": 1, }, "gasteiger": { "oe_charge_method": oequacpac.OEGasteigerCharges, "min_confs": 0, "max_confs": 0, "rec_confs": 0, }, "mmff94": { "oe_charge_method": oequacpac.OEMMFF94Charges, "min_confs": 0, "max_confs": 0, "rec_confs": 0, }, "am1bccnosymspt": { "oe_charge_method": oequacpac.OEAM1BCCCharges, "min_confs": 1, "max_confs": 1, "rec_confs": 1, }, "am1elf10": { "oe_charge_method": oequacpac.OEELFCharges( oequacpac.OEAM1Charges(optimize=True, symmetrize=True), 10 ), "min_confs": 1, "max_confs": None, "rec_confs": 500, }, "am1bccelf10": { "oe_charge_method": oequacpac.OEAM1BCCELF10Charges, "min_confs": 1, "max_confs": None, "rec_confs": 500, }, } if partial_charge_method is None: partial_charge_method = "am1-mulliken" partial_charge_method = partial_charge_method.lower() if partial_charge_method not in SUPPORTED_CHARGE_METHODS: raise ChargeMethodUnavailableError( f"partial_charge_method '{partial_charge_method}' is not available from OpenEyeToolkitWrapper. " f"Available charge methods are {list(SUPPORTED_CHARGE_METHODS.keys())} " ) charge_method = SUPPORTED_CHARGE_METHODS[partial_charge_method] if _cls is None: _cls = Molecule # Make a temporary copy of the molecule, since we'll be messing with its conformers mol_copy = _cls(molecule) if use_conformers is None: if charge_method["rec_confs"] == 0: mol_copy._conformers = None else: self.generate_conformers( mol_copy, n_conformers=charge_method["rec_confs"], rms_cutoff=0.25 * unit.angstrom, ) # TODO: What's a "best practice" RMS cutoff to use here? else: mol_copy._conformers = None for conformer in use_conformers: mol_copy._add_conformer(conformer) self._check_n_conformers( mol_copy, partial_charge_method=partial_charge_method, min_confs=charge_method["min_confs"], max_confs=charge_method["max_confs"], strict_n_conformers=strict_n_conformers, ) oemol = mol_copy.to_openeye() errfs = oechem.oeosstream() oechem.OEThrow.SetOutputStream(errfs) oechem.OEThrow.Clear() # The OpenFF toolkit has always supported a version of AM1BCC with no geometry optimization # or symmetry correction. So we include this keyword to provide a special configuration of quacpac # if requested. if partial_charge_method == "am1bccnosymspt": optimize = False symmetrize = False quacpac_status = oequacpac.OEAssignCharges( oemol, charge_method["oe_charge_method"](optimize, symmetrize) ) else: oe_charge_method = charge_method["oe_charge_method"] if callable(oe_charge_method): oe_charge_method = oe_charge_method() quacpac_status = oequacpac.OEAssignCharges(oemol, oe_charge_method) oechem.OEThrow.SetOutputStream(oechem.oeerr) # restoring to original state # This logic handles errors encountered in #34, which can occur when using ELF10 conformer selection if not quacpac_status: oe_charge_engine = ( oequacpac.OEAM1Charges if partial_charge_method == "am1elf10" else oequacpac.OEAM1BCCCharges ) if "SelectElfPop: issue with removing trans COOH conformers" in ( errfs.str().decode("UTF-8") ): logger.warning( f"Warning: charge assignment involving ELF10 conformer selection failed due to a " f"known bug (toolkit issue #346). Downgrading to {oe_charge_engine.__name__} " f"charge assignment for this molecule. More information " f"is available at" ) quacpac_status = oequacpac.OEAssignCharges(oemol, oe_charge_engine()) if quacpac_status is False: raise ChargeCalculationError( f'Unable to assign charges: {errfs.str().decode("UTF-8")}' ) # Extract and return charges # TODO: Make sure atom mapping remains constant # Extract the list of charges, taking into account possible indexing differences charges = unit.Quantity( np.zeros(shape=oemol.NumAtoms(), dtype=np.float64), unit.elementary_charge ) for oeatom in oemol.GetAtoms(): index = oeatom.GetIdx() charge = oeatom.GetPartialCharge() charge = charge * unit.elementary_charge charges[index] = charge molecule.partial_charges = charges if normalize_partial_charges: molecule._normalize_partial_charges()
[docs] def compute_partial_charges_am1bcc( self, molecule, use_conformers=None, strict_n_conformers=False ): """ Compute AM1BCC partial charges with OpenEye quacpac. This function will attempt to use the OEAM1BCCELF10 charge generation method, but may print a warning and fall back to normal OEAM1BCC if an error is encountered. This error is known to occur with some carboxylic acids, and is under investigation by OpenEye. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. Parameters ---------- molecule : Molecule Molecule for which partial charges are to be computed use_conformers : iterable of openmm.unit.Quantity-wrapped numpy arrays, each with shape (n_atoms, 3) and dimension of distance. Optional, default = None Coordinates to use for partial charge calculation. If None, an appropriate number of conformers will be generated. strict_n_conformers : bool, default=False Whether to raise an exception if an invalid number of conformers is provided. If this is False and an invalid number of conformers is found, a warning will be raised instead of an Exception. Returns ------- charges : numpy.array of shape (natoms) of type float The partial charges """ import warnings warnings.warn( "compute_partial_charges_am1bcc will be deprecated in an upcoming release. " "Use assign_partial_charges(partial_charge_method='am1bccelf10') instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) self.assign_partial_charges( molecule, partial_charge_method="am1bccelf10", use_conformers=use_conformers, strict_n_conformers=strict_n_conformers, ) return molecule.partial_charges
[docs] def assign_fractional_bond_orders( self, molecule, bond_order_model=None, use_conformers=None, _cls=None ): """ Update and store list of bond orders this molecule. Bond orders are stored on each bond, in the `bond.fractional_bond_order` attribute. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. Parameters ---------- molecule : openff.toolkit.topology.molecule Molecule The molecule to assign wiberg bond orders to bond_order_model : str, optional, default=None The charge model to use. One of ['am1-wiberg', 'am1-wiberg-elf10', 'pm3-wiberg', 'pm3-wiberg-elf10']. If None, 'am1-wiberg' will be used. use_conformers : iterable of openmm.unit.Quantity(np.array) with shape (n_atoms, 3) and dimension of distance, optional, default=None The conformers to use for fractional bond order calculation. If None, an appropriate number of conformers will be generated by an available ToolkitWrapper. If the chosen ``bond_order_model`` is an ELF variant, the ELF conformer selection method will be applied to the provided conformers. _cls : class Molecule constructor """ from openeye import oechem, oequacpac if _cls is None: from openff.toolkit.topology.molecule import Molecule _cls = Molecule # Make a copy since we'll be messing with this molecule's conformers temp_mol = _cls(molecule) if bond_order_model is None: bond_order_model = "am1-wiberg" bond_order_model = bond_order_model.lower() is_elf_method = bond_order_model in ["am1-wiberg-elf10", "pm3-wiberg-elf10"] if use_conformers is None: temp_mol.generate_conformers( n_conformers=1 if not is_elf_method else 500, # 0.05 is the recommended RMS when generating a 'Dense' amount of # conformers using Omega: # omegatk/OEConfGenConstants/OEFragBuilderMode.html. rms_cutoff=None if not is_elf_method else 0.05 * unit.angstrom, ) else: temp_mol._conformers = None for conformer in use_conformers: temp_mol._add_conformer(conformer) if temp_mol.n_conformers == 0: raise Exception( "No conformers present in molecule submitted for fractional bond order calculation. Consider " "loading the molecule from a file with geometry already present or running " "molecule.generate_conformers() before calling molecule.compute_wiberg_bond_orders()" ) if is_elf_method: # Apply the ELF10 conformer selection method. temp_mol.apply_elf_conformer_selection() # Set the options to use when computing the WBOs. This is based on example at # am1 = oequacpac.OEAM1() am1results = oequacpac.OEAM1Results() am1options = am1.GetOptions() if bond_order_model.startswith("am1-wiberg"): am1options.SetSemiMethod(oequacpac.OEMethodType_AM1) elif bond_order_model.startswith("pm3-wiberg"): # TODO: Make sure that modifying am1options actually works am1options.SetSemiMethod(oequacpac.OEMethodType_PM3) else: raise ValueError( f"Bond order model '{bond_order_model}' is not supported by " f"OpenEyeToolkitWrapper. Supported models are ['am1-wiberg', " f"'am1-wiberg-elf10', 'pm3-wiberg', 'pm3-wiberg-elf10']." ) # Convert the conformers into OE friendly objects to make setting them one # at a time easier. oe_conformers = [ oechem.OEFloatArray(conformer.value_in_unit(unit.angstrom).flatten()) for conformer in temp_mol.conformers ] oemol = self.to_openeye(temp_mol) bond_orders = defaultdict(list) for oe_conformer in oe_conformers: oemol.DeleteConfs() oemol.NewConf(oe_conformer) status = am1.CalcAM1(am1results, oemol) if status is False: raise Exception( "Unable to assign charges (in the process of calculating " "fractional bond orders)" ) for bond in oemol.GetBonds(): bond_orders[bond.GetIdx()].append( am1results.GetBondOrder(bond.GetBgnIdx(), bond.GetEndIdx()) ) # TODO: Will bonds always map back to the same index? Consider doing a # topology mapping. for bond_idx, conformer_bond_orders in bond_orders.items(): # Get bond order order = np.mean(conformer_bond_orders) mol_bond = molecule._bonds[bond_idx] mol_bond.fractional_bond_order = order
[docs] def get_tagged_smarts_connectivity(self, smarts): """ Returns a tuple of tuples indicating connectivity between tagged atoms in a SMARTS string. Does not return bond order. Parameters ---------- smarts : str The tagged SMARTS to analyze Returns ------- unique_tags : tuple of int A sorted tuple of all unique tagged atom map indices. tagged_atom_connectivity : tuple of tuples of int, shape n_tagged_bonds x 2 A tuple of tuples, where each inner tuple is a pair of tagged atoms (tag_idx_1, tag_idx_2) which are bonded. The inner tuples are ordered smallest-to-largest, and the tuple of tuples is ordered lexically. The return value for an improper torsion would be ((1, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4)). Raises ------ SMIRKSParsingError If OpenEye toolkit was unable to parse the provided smirks/tagged smarts """ from openeye import oechem from openff.toolkit.typing.chemistry import SMIRKSParsingError qmol = oechem.OEQMol() status = oechem.OEParseSmarts(qmol, smarts) if not status: raise SMIRKSParsingError( f"OpenEye Toolkit was unable to parse SMIRKS {smarts}" ) unique_tags = set() connections = set() for at1 in qmol.GetAtoms(): if at1.GetMapIdx() == 0: continue unique_tags.add(at1.GetMapIdx()) for at2 in at1.GetAtoms(): if at2.GetMapIdx() == 0: continue cxn_to_add = sorted([at1.GetMapIdx(), at2.GetMapIdx()]) connections.add(tuple(cxn_to_add)) connections = tuple(sorted(list(connections))) unique_tags = tuple(sorted(list(unique_tags))) return tuple(unique_tags), tuple(connections)
@staticmethod def _find_smarts_matches( oemol, smarts, aromaticity_model=DEFAULT_AROMATICITY_MODEL, unique=False, ): """Find all sets of atoms in the provided OpenEye molecule that match the provided SMARTS string. Parameters ---------- oemol : openeye.oechem.OEMol or similar oemol to process with the SMIRKS in order to find matches smarts : str SMARTS string with any number of sequentially tagged atoms. If there are N tagged atoms numbered 1..N, the resulting matches will be N-tuples of atoms that match the corresponding tagged atoms. aromaticity_model : str, optional, default=None OpenEye aromaticity model designation as a string, such as ``OEAroModel_MDL``. Molecule is prepared with this aromaticity model prior to querying. Returns ------- matches : list of tuples of atoms indices within the ``oemol`` matches[index] is an N-tuple of atom numbers from the ``oemol`` Matches are returned in no guaranteed order. # TODO: What is returned if no matches are found? An empty list, or None? # TODO: Ensure that SMARTS numbers 1, 2, 3... are rendered into order of returned # matches indexed by 0, 1, 2... .. notes :: * Raises ``LicenseError`` if valid OpenEye tools license is not found, rather than causing program to terminate * Raises ``ValueError`` if ``smarts`` query is malformed """ from openeye import oechem from openeye.oechem import OESubSearch # Make a copy of molecule so we don't influence original (probably safer than deepcopy per C Bayly) mol = oechem.OEMol(oemol) # Set up query qmol = oechem.OEQMol() if not oechem.OEParseSmarts(qmol, smarts): raise ValueError(f"Error parsing SMARTS '{smarts}'") # Apply aromaticity model if type(aromaticity_model) == str: # Check if the user has provided a manually-specified aromaticity_model if hasattr(oechem, aromaticity_model): oearomodel = getattr(oechem, aromaticity_model) else: raise ValueError( "Error: provided aromaticity model not recognized by oechem." ) else: raise ValueError("Error: provided aromaticity model must be a string.") # OEPrepareSearch will clobber our desired aromaticity model if we don't sync up mol # and qmol ahead of time. # Prepare molecule oechem.OEClearAromaticFlags(mol) oechem.OEAssignAromaticFlags(mol, oearomodel) # If aromaticity model was provided, prepare query molecule oechem.OEClearAromaticFlags(qmol) oechem.OEAssignAromaticFlags(qmol, oearomodel) oechem.OEAssignHybridization(mol) oechem.OEAssignHybridization(qmol) # Build list of matches # TODO: The MoleculeImage mapping should preserve ordering of template molecule for equivalent atoms # and speed matching for larger molecules. substructure_search = OESubSearch(qmol) # TODO: max_matches = int(max_matches) if max_matches is not None else 0 max_matches = 0 substructure_search.SetMaxMatches(max_matches) oechem.OEPrepareSearch(mol, substructure_search) matches = list() for match in substructure_search.Match(mol, unique): # Compile list of atom indices that match the pattern tags atom_indices = dict() for matched_atom in match.GetAtoms(): if matched_atom.pattern.GetMapIdx() != 0: atom_indices[ matched_atom.pattern.GetMapIdx() - 1 ] = # Compress into list atom_indices = [atom_indices[index] for index in range(len(atom_indices))] # Convert to tuple matches.append(tuple(atom_indices)) return matches
[docs] def find_smarts_matches( self, molecule, smarts, aromaticity_model="OEAroModel_MDL", unique=False, ): """ Find all SMARTS matches for the specified molecule, using the specified aromaticity model. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. Parameters ---------- molecule : openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule The molecule for which all specified SMARTS matches are to be located smarts : str SMARTS string with optional SMIRKS-style atom tagging aromaticity_model : str, optional, default='OEAroModel_MDL' Molecule is prepared with this aromaticity model prior to querying. .. note :: Currently, the only supported ``aromaticity_model`` is ``OEAroModel_MDL`` """ oemol = self.to_openeye(molecule) return self._find_smarts_matches( oemol, smarts, aromaticity_model=aromaticity_model, unique=unique, )
def requires_openeye_module(module_name): def inner_decorator(function): @wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: module = importlib.import_module("openeye." + module_name) except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): # TODO: Custom exception raise Exception("openeye." + module_name) try: license_func = OpenEyeToolkitWrapper._license_functions[module_name] except KeyError: # TODO: Custom exception raise Exception(f"we do not currently use {module_name}") # TODO: Custom exception assert getattr(module, license_func)() return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return inner_decorator